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《灵界经历》 第1174节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1174

1174. But the light green dwellings of this kind, and the clouds shining whitish green, are created by filthy fantasies such as those of the lowest type of people. Moreover they love puddles of stale urine, and that foul liquid dung of different kinds, such as that of cows, sheep, or humans. Nor is it far from the truth to say that they live in such swamps (as I told those who are present), and are thrilled with the mere idea of dung. And because they are carnal to the lowest degree, they even seem to themselves to live in such swamps. 1748, 6 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1174

1174. But such green habitations and the clouds which are white from green are formed from filthy phantasies, such as those of the lowest class of people. Moreover, they love fetid urinous collections, also that foul liquid of dung, according to the different kinds of dung, of oxen, sheep or human. And, as I told those who are still present, it is not far from the truth to say that they dwell in such ponds, and they are delighted merely with the idea of dung. It is because they are among those who are in the lowest degree corporeal, that they seem to live in such ponds. 1748, Mar. 6.

Experientiae Spirituales 1174 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1174. Verum habitationes tales virides et nubes a viridi candentes formantur ex phantasiis spurcis, quales sunt infimae plebis, praeterea amant urinarias foetidas congregationes, tum tetrum eum liquorem fimi, secundum differentias fimi boum, ovium, seu humani, nec a vero abest, quod in talibus stagnis habitent, sicut dixi iis, qui adhuc adsunt, et ii solum ex idea fimi delectantur, et quia inter infime corporeos sunt, etiam in similibus stagnis vivere videntur. 1748, 6 Martius.

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