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《灵界经历》 第1181节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1181

1181. Those angels who reject the very inward qualities, even shunning them, were the ones who were working inwardly in me, namely, at the upper region of the palate, and inducing and forcing me to think and speak according to their thoughts; and in order to strengthen the condition, they also brought me into almost the same state of mind. I even spoke from them, raising all kinds of objections to the points that I had to write about, to the effect that they were full of difficulties, that perhaps no one on earth would understand them, or that they would be of no use to people without a direct revelation by the Lord regarding every word. Further, that in this way the human race would become worse, since they might distort inward [truths]; for the more inward something is that is distorted, the worse it is for those who distort it; and other such arguments.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1181

1181. Those angels who reject, yea, who are averse to more interior things were those who acted inwardly upon me, namely, upon the upper region of the palate, and who induced and compelled me to think and speak according to their thoughts, and also induced an almost similar state upon me that they might be confirmed. I also spoke from them. There was objection to very many things concerning the matters that were to be written which were full of difficulties, to the effect that no men would perceive them, nor would they be of use to men in their single things without an immediate revelation of the Lord. It was also objected that the human race would thus be rendered worse, for they would pervert interior things, and the more interior a thing is that is perverted, the worse it is for those who pervert it; besides similar things.

Experientiae Spirituales 1181 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1181. Angeli illi, qui intimiora rejiciunt, imo aversantur, erant qui intus in me agebant, nempe ad supernam palati regionem, ac inducebant et cogebant me cogitare, et loqui secundum eorum cogitata, et statum quoque; ut affirmarentur, similem paene mihi inducebant; ex iis quoque loquutus sum: plurima objiciendo de iis quae scribenda essent, quae plena difficultatibus erant, scilicet quod nemo hominum perciperent 1

, aut iis utilitati essent, absque immediata revelatione Domini, in singulis iis; tum quod sic pejus redderetur genus humanum, dum scilicet interiora perverterent, quo enim intimius est quod pervertitur, eo pejus, iis, qui pervertunt, praeter similia.


1. sic manuscript; vide praefationem hujus editionis sub capite "Idiosyncrasies"

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