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《灵界经历》 第1182节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1182

1182. Now when I had been obsessed by this spirit, and also even had some misgivings regarding the inward heaven, namely that those might also be in danger of being led astray who do not believe very inward [truths]-then it was made clear to me that it was a habitation of that kind of angels which was thinking in this way, and that they were putting their own thoughts into me, and so, keeping me obsessed. These same spirits do not readily acknowledge anything that is the Lord's, except what comes directly from Him. For example, [they do not readily acknowledge] that I have been told about things to come, or about things far away.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1182

1182. And whilst I was obsessed by such a spirit and also thought certain things about the interior heaven, namely, that those there who have no faith in the more interior things were in danger of being led astray, it was then made manifest to me that this was the abode of such angels, that they thought in this way and transferred their thoughts to me, and so obtained their obsession of me. These same angels do not easily acknowledge anything of the Lord, except such things as come immediately from Him, as concerning things to come, and things past. These things were told to me.

Experientiae Spirituales 1182 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1182. Cumque a tali spiritu obsessus essem, et quidem quoque cogitavi de coelo interiori aliqua, quod ii quoque in periculo essent, ut seducerentur, qui nempe intimioribus non fidem habent, tunc manifestatum mihi est, quod talium angelorum domicilium esset, quod sic cogitaret, et cogitata sua in me inferrent 1

, et sic me obtinerent 1

obsessum; iidem nec agnoscunt facile aliquid Domini, nisi quae immediate ab Ipso veniunt, sicut de venturis, et de remotis, quod dicerentur mihia {a}.


1. sic manuscript

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