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《灵界经历》 第1183节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1183

1183. And when those angels could not restrain themselves from such thoughts, even when urged to stop, they were finally removed from their habitation-in fact, to a greater distance off, a little toward the left. They had turbans such as women wear on their heads, but beautifully wound.

Now when they had gone some distance-looking perhaps, I realized, for a different Lord, or a different heaven, where, as they were told, they might work more restfully than in this heaven - something golden appeared in front of them, at which they were jubilant, for everything they saw had a golden, radiant splendor. Besides this they saw other beautiful things and artistic objects which greatly delighted them, as well as beautiful women. But they were told that all these are only the products of fantasies, and could therefore not entertain them for long. Presently they were let into a dark chamber, and now they are hoping to come back. As yet I know no more. 1748, 6 March.

1183. 1/2.

I was also shown how they work. They do not work in gyres or circles like the rest, but by seemingly linear back-and-forth motions, yet streaming. The reason for this, I was told, is because they bring in what must be thought and spoken, and at the same time, what must be answered. For they think they possess the whole person, and control him or her by their own power, even if they do not deny the Lord's higher rule. Thus they consider the people on earth as nothing but their instruments for operating in the world, and therefore completely disdain and reject them as trash when they cannot make use of them as slaves, and flattering them for the sake of their services. They are concerned only with themselves and care nothing for others. And because they bring in both thoughts and answers, their action is back-and-forth in this manner, but streaming.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1183

1183. Since those angels were unable to refrain from such thoughts, although they were exhorted to desist, they were at length removed from their abode, and indeed to a greater distance a little towards the left, having with them a coil like that which women wear on their head, but which was coiled in a beautiful manner. When they had gone some distance, I perceived that they were perhaps going to seek another Lord, or as was said, another heaven where they might act more quietly than in this heaven. On the way, there appeared to them something golden in which they gloried, for all the things they saw were of a golden splendor or radiance, besides other things most beautiful to the sight, as well as artistic and lovely forms, with which they were highly delighted. But they were told that these things are only produced by phantasies, and could not so delight them for long. They were presently introduced into a dark chamber from which they desire to return. I do not as yet know the other things. 1748, Mar. 6.

1183 1/2. Continuation

I was also shown how they act. They do not act by gyres and orbits, as the others do, but by linear reciprocations as it were and in a flowing manner, because, as I was told, they induce what is to be thought or spoken, and at the same time what is to be said in reply; for they suppose that they possess the whole man and govern him from themselves, although they do not deny the Lord's superior government. Thus they suppose man to be nothing but their organ by means of which they can act in the world, and they therefore altogether despise the man, and reject him as worthless rubbish when they are unable to make use of him as a servant; they flatter him for the sake of his service. They study themselves alone and care nothing for others. And because they bring forth both the thoughts and also the responses their action is thus reciprocal and flowing.


Experientiae Spirituales 1183 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1183. Cumque angeli isti non potuissent se retinere a talibus cogitationibus, tametsi exhortati, ut desisterent, tandem a domicilio suo remoti sunt, et quidem ad majorem distantiam sinistrorsum paulum, secum habentes verticillum, qualem mulieres super capita habent, sed qui pulchre circumrotaretur; cumque ad distantiam venirent, forte, ut percepi, alium Dominum quaesituri, seu aliud coelum, ut dictum, in quo quietius agerent, quam in hoc coelo, obviam sibi apparebat aureum quoddam, quo gloriabantur, nam omnia quae videbant, aurei splendoris seu jubaris erant, praeter 1

alia pulcherrima visu, et artificiosa, quibus admodum delectabantur, tum quoque formositates. Sed iis dictum est, quod haec modo producantur a phantasiis, et quod ea sic non diu eos oblectare possent. Mox in cameram obscuram intromissi, ac redire cupiunt; caetera adhuc ignoro. 1748, 6 Martius. 2

1183a. Quomodo agunt, quoque mihi ostensum est, non enim per gyros et orbes, ut caeteri, sed per reciprocationes quasi lineares, usque modo fluviali, ex causa, ut mihi dictum, quia inducunt quid cogitandum seu loquendum, et simul quid respondendum, nam putant se possidere totum hominem, et ex se eum regere, tametsi Domino regimen superius non negant; sic hominem putant nihil esse, nisi eorum organum, per quod agere possint in mundo; ideo quoque hominem prorsus contemnunt, rejiciunt sicut quisquilias; dum non eo uti possint ut servitiis, tunc assentiuntur servitii causa, sibi solis student, caeteros non curant. Et quia tam inferunt cogitationes, quam quoque responsiones, ideo actio eorum talis reciproca, at fluvialis.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has erat, prae

2. hic ad imam paginam subscriptum continuatio

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