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《灵界经历》 第1198节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1198

1198. About the innermost heaven

Later on, I was thinking about the innermost [angels] or the innermost heaven, and the question occurred to me whether they were holy, and therefore the holy spirit. Then a voice came to me from the innermost heaven, through intermediate angels and spirits, speaking from them and saying that they are not holy, but the Lord Alone is holy, Who is their holiness Itself - and now saying that no one is holy from his own power but the Lord Alone, and that they are therefore against being called holy, because in themselves they are filthy.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1198


When afterwards I was thinking about inmost things, or the inmost heaven, it also occurred to me to wonder whether the angels there were holy, and thus the Holy Spirit. Then a voice from the inmost heaven reached me through intermediate angels and spirits saying from them, that they are not holy, but the Lord alone is holy and He Himself is their holiness, and again that no one is holy of himself except the Lord alone; and that thus they are averse to being called holy, because in themselves they are vile.

Experientiae Spirituales 1198 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1198. De intimo coelo

Cum postea cogitarem de intimis seu intimo coelo, et mihi obvenit, num ii sancti essent, et sic spiritus sanctus, tunc vox ad me ab intimo coelo, per intermedios, et spiritus, veniebat, dicens, ab iis, quod non sancti sint, sed Dominus Solus sanctus, Qui est Ipsa sanctitas illorum, et nunc quod nullus sanctus sit ex se, quam Solus Dominus, et quod sic aversentur sancti vocari, quia spurci in se.

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