120. The spirits present with a person are like the person, well-informed in one who is well-informed, uncultivated in one who is uncultivated: for they are unable to arouse in the person any but those characteristics which agree with their own nature [see 100]. [Person on earth; Spirit; Nature]
120. The spirits with a man are such as the man is, being learned in a learned man, stupid in a stupid man; for they can excite only those things in the man which are in agreement with their own nature. (Homo, Natura, Spiritus.)
120. Quod spiritus apud hominem sint sicut homo, eruditi in erudito, stolidi in stolido, nam excitare non possunt nisi ea quae in homine sunt, suae naturae congruentia, n. 120. [Homo]
Quod spiritus apud hominem, sint sicut homo, eruditi in erudito, stolidi in stolido, nam excitant ea quae in homine, naturae suae congruentia, n. 120. [Spiritus]
Quod spiritus in homine sint sicut homo, eruditi in erudito, stolidi in stolido, nam excitant ea, quae in homine naturae suae congruentia, n. 120. [Natura, Naturalia]