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《灵界经历》 第1200节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1200

1200. I was also prompted to wonder whether any people born at this day can be let into the innermost heaven, because hereditary evils have so multiplied. But in thought I seemed to have gotten the answer that those born on this planet today cannot come into the innermost heaven, although those from the most ancient Church on this planet had done so. They had, moreover, from other planets, whose inhabitants are innocent beings.

In the very inward and in the inward heaven there are also innocent beings, but not of that kind. The former innocent beings constitute the innermost part, so to speak, of the latter-or it should be called their center, like an axis or a nucleus. Nor can any heaven remain intact unless its center or innermost is innocence, and the rest are arranged as outer edges into which innocence springs forth from the center. For no one can be in the heavens without having something of innocence. Then the innermost heaven also communicates with the very inward one through its center, namely, its innocent beings, and so does the innermost, through the very inward one, communicate with the inward heaven.

From all this it can be understood what the communication is like from innermost beings, and from the Lord, according to the order established by the Lord.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1200

1200. It was also given me to think whether any who are born at this day can be introduced into the inmost heaven, because hereditary evils have been so multiplied. I seemed to have had a response in my thought that those who are born on the earth at this day cannot come into the inmost heaven, but that those from this earth who were of the Most Ancient Church were admitted, as well as those from other earths, for they are innocences. In the more interior heaven and in the interior heaven there are also innocences but not of the same quality. These former innocences constitute as it were their inmost, but it should be called their center, as an axis or nucleus; nor can any heaven subsist unless its center its inmost, as it were is innocence, and the rest are regarded as peripheries into which innocence streams from the center, for no one can be in heaven unless he has something of innocence. Further, the inmost heaven also communicates with the more interior through its center, that is to say, through innocences; and thus the inmost through the more interior communicates with the interior. Hence it can be understood what is the nature of the communication from inmosts and from the Lord, according to the order instituted by Him.

Experientiae Spirituales 1200 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1200. Cogitare quoque mihi dabatur, num aliqui, qui hodie nascuntur, in intimum coelum, possent intromitti, quia haereditaria mala ita sunt multiplicata, sed in cogitatione videbar mihi responsum habuisse, quod qui hodie nascuntur in hac tellure, in intimum coelum venire nequeant, sed quod ex hac tellure, fuerint ex antiquissima Ecclesia; praeter quod ex aliis telluribus, nam innocentiae sunt; in coelo intimiori et interiori etiam dantur innocentiae, sed non tales, innocentiae illae constituunt quasi intimum eorum, sed dicendum est, medium eorum, sicut axem, seu nucleum; nec aliiuid coelum potest subsistere, nisi ejus medium, quasi intimum, sit innocentia, et quod reliqui tanquam peripheriae habeantur, in quas ex medio scaturit innocentia, nam in coelis nullus esse potest, nisi aliquid innocentiae habeat; tum quoque intimum coelum communicat cum intimiori, per medium ejus, nempe innocentias, et sic intimum per intimius cum interiori, inde communicatio potest intelligi, qualis, ab intimis, et a Domino, secundum ordinem, a Domino institutum.

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