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《灵界经历》 第1201节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1201

1201. It is through the innermost heaven that the Lord imparts true marriage love, its beginning and origin being from the innermost heaven, and then passing through the center of the lower heavens. From there comes also parental love, because the heavenly beings of the innermost heaven love little children so much, much more than their parents or mothers do. Indeed, they are with little children, and take care of them. I was even told that they are in the mother's womb, caring for their nourishment. So they are in charge of pregnant wombs.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1201

1201. It is by means of the inmost heaven that the Lord insinuates love truly conjugial, the beginning and origin of which is from the inmost heaven; it then [proceeds] through the medium of the lower heavens. Hence also comes storge, for the celestial angels of the inmost heaven love infants far more than the parents, or the mothers, do; indeed they are present with infants and have the care of them, yea, they are even present with them in the maternal womb, as I was told, and are solicitous in caring for their nourishment; thus they preside over the womb during gestation.

Experientiae Spirituales 1201 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1201. Intimum coelum est, per quod Dominus, insinuat amorem verum conjugialem, hujus principium seu origo ex intimo coelo est, tum per medium coelorum inferiorum, inde quoque storge, nam coelestes intimi coeli ita amant infantes, multo plus quam parentes seu matres, imo adsunt infantibus et eorum curam habent, imo ut mihi dictum, in utero materno adsunt, et solliciti sunt de iis, ut nutriantur, ita praesunt uteris gestantibus.

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