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《灵界经历》 第1209节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1209

1209. However, when they are examined by angels through spirits, it is heard from the least words if they are of this kind. When their life is described, then from every single word it is clearly perceived whether [what they are saying] is right. When the talking flows with ease, it is then in agreement with their actions in life. When it does not flow, then there is immediately something discordant. Therefore, these indications can show their quality quite clearly. Besides, the angels can learn from the Lord exactly what they are like. This judgment is the second one [see 1206], being that of their inward parts, yet it is only a judgment of their moral life, but not their spiritual life.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1209

1209. But when they are examined by angels by means of spirits, it is then heard in their single words whether they are of such a nature, so that when their life is described, if they have been such it is then clearly perceived from each expression whether it is so. For when their speech flows easily then it is in agreement with the acts of their life; when there is anything that is not fluent then immediately there is something that disagrees. From this it can be sufficiently evident, therefore, of what quality they are; besides which, the angels can know their quality accurately from the Lord. This is the second judgment, namely, that of man's interiors, but only of his moral, not however of his spiritual life.

Experientiae Spirituales 1209 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1209. Dum autem examinantur tales ab angelis per spiritus, tunc auditur in singulis vocibus, si tales sint, ut dum describitur eorum vita, tunc si tales sint, ex singula voce, percipitur clare, num ita sit, dum enim sermo fluit facile, tunc consentiens est cum actis eorum vitae, dum aliquid non fluens, tunc illico aliquid discrepat, ideo ex iis constare satis potest, quales sunt, praeter quod angeli, ex Domino scire ad amussim, possint, quales sint, hoc judicium est alterum [vide 1206], nempe interiorum hominis, sed modo vitae ejus moralis, non autem spiritualis.

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