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《灵界经历》 第1210节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1210

1210. The people spoken of here, in the other life try without conscience to kill anyone they meet, even companions. They seem to themselves to be holding a knife, or to have a hammer in their hand, and to be beating another spirit lying on his back in front of them. Yet they do not go as far as shedding blood, because they are afraid of their own death. Nevertheless, without conscience they cruelly strike the spirit lying beneath them on his back, unable to cast that tool out of their hand- which they want to do, so as not to be seen for what they are. But they are constantly kept doing this so that the fierceness of their heart may appear before spirits and angels.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1210

1210. Such spirits as those spoken of above, in the other life want without conscience to murder their companions and whomsoever they meet. They seem to themselves to be holding an axe, or to have a hammer in their hand, and to smite another spirit who is lying prostrate before them, but not so as to shed blood because they are fearful of their own death; but still without conscience they cruelly strike the one lying prostrate before them. They cannot cast away that instrument from their hand, as they want to do, lest they be seen to be of such a quality, but they are continually kept doing this in order that the ferocity of their animus may appear before spirits and angels.

Experientiae Spirituales 1210 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1210. Tales, de quibus dictum, in altera vita, socios, quoscunque offendunt, absque conscientia necare volunt, tenere sibi videntur securem seu malleum habere in manu, et alium spiritum supinatum coram iis, percutere, usque non ad sanguinis effusionem, quia timidi sunt mortis sui 1

, sed usque absque conscientia crudeliter percutiunt subjacentem sibi supinatum, nec possunt instrumentum istud e manu sua projicere, quod volunt, ne videantur tales, sed usque jugiter ita facere tenentur, ut eorum ferocia animi, coram spiritibus et angelis appareat.


1. incertum in the Manuscript

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