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《灵界经历》 第1229节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1229

1229. So they are like furies when they have really regarded such things as all-important. Spirits can immediately judge what they had been like in life from the hair-its color, length, the way it is styled, and other details concerning the hair, as well as from their body-its nakedness, how far it is showing, which parts are especially exposed, and which ones they try to hide. From this the souls can also come to know themselves, for they must first learn what they had been like [cf. 1119]. 1748, 8 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1229

1229. Thus they are as it were furies since they have placed their all in such things. Spirits can at once judge of what quality they had been during their life from the hair its color, length, the way it is spread, and other things which concern the hair; also from the body its nakedness, how far this is manifest, and especially what parts are exposed, and what parts they want to conceal. From this souls can also recognize themselves, for they ought first to know of what quality they have been. 1748, Mar. 8.

Experientiae Spirituales 1229 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1229. Ita sunt quasi furiae, dum scilicet in similibus omne suum posuerint; spiritus illico judicare possunt, ex coma, ejus colore, longitudine, diffusione, et caeteris, quae comam concernunt, tum a corpore, ejus nuditate, quousque patet, et quae partes imprimis exstant, et quas recondere volunt, quales fuerint in vita; inde quoque animae se cognoscere quoque possunt, nam prius scire debent quales fuerint. 1748, 8 Martius.

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