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《灵界经历》 第124节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 124

124. Truth and goodness are instilled [into a person] by the Lord through angels and good spirits, which is really repugnant to evil spirits, so that they want to withdraw. Therefore, truth is commonly aroused by them as well. But with anyone who is the kind to be moved by truths, good spirits are associated. [Spirit; Truth]

Spirits arouse feelings especially, and from these, thoughts, speech, and acts. [Thought, Think; Feeling (Affection)]

[A person's] nature is improved by means of temptations and combats. [Temptation]

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 124

124. [Man's] nature is amended by temptations and combats. (Tentatio.)

Spirits especially excite the affections; thence the thoughts, speech, and actions. (Affectio, Cogitatio.) But if a man is such that he is affected by truths, good spirits are associated with him. (Spiritus.)

[In the margin:] Truth and good are insinuated by God Messiah by means of angels and good spirits. To this, evil spirits are indeed averse, and so want to withdraw. Therefore, truth is wont to be excited by them also. (Spiritus, Veritas.)

Experientiae Spirituales 124 (original Latin 1748-1764)

124. Verum et bonum a Domino per angelos et spiritus bonos, insinuantur, quod quidem aversantur mali spiritus, et sic recedere volunt, quare etiam per eos quoque verum solet excitari, n. 124 etiam ad marg.: at si homo talis est, ut veris afficiatur, adsociantur ei boni spiritus, n. 124. [Spiritus]

Verum et bonum a Domino per angelos et spiritus bonos insinuantur, quae quidem aversantur mali spiritus, et sic recedere volunt, quare etiam per eos verum solet excitari: at si homo talis est, ut veris afficiatur, adsociantur ei boni spiritus, n. 124, et ad marg. [Veritas]

Spiritus imprimis excitant affectiones, inde cogitationes, loquelas et actus, n. 124. [Cogitatio, Cogitare]

Spiritus imprimis excitant affectiones, inde cogitationes, loquelas, actus, n. 124. [Affectio]

Quod emendetur natura per tentationes et pugnas, n. 124. [Tentatio]

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