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《灵界经历》 第1244节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1244

1244. About faith and good works

With some who had been learned theologians during their lives I discussed the subject of faith and good works, and their claim that faith alone saves without good works, and that works condemn. I said that such formulas without any explanation are dangerous, especially to the uneducated. For it is faith that saves because there is life in that faith, that is, the Lord, Who alone is life. So He saves through faith, and when there is faith, they cannot but do the works of charity, without which a person is like a tree without fruit, bearing only leaves.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1244


I spoke with certain spirits who had been learned theologians during their lifetime, concerning faith and good works, to the effect that they say that faith alone without good works is saving, and that works condemn. I said that such formulas of speech without explanation are dangerous, especially to the unlearned. For it is faith that saves, because in faith there is life, that is to say, the Lord, Who Alone is Life; wherefore He saves by means of faith, since faith cannot do other than perform works of charity, without which it is like a tree without fruit, bearing nothing but leaves.

Experientiae Spirituales 1244 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1244. De fide et bonis operibus

Cum quibusdam, in vita doctis theologis, loquutus sum de fide et bonis operibus, quod dicant fidem solam salvare absque bonis operibus, et quod opera damnent, quod hae formulae loquendi absque explicatione sint periculosae, cumprimis indoctis, fides enim est quae salvificat, quia fidei inest vita, nempe Dominus, Qui sola est vita, quare Ipse salvificat per fidem, et quum fides [est] non possunt quin charitatis opera praestent, absque iis est sicut arbor sine fructu, solum folia ferens.

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