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《灵界经历》 第1247节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1247

1247. When they were asking where they were, and still thinking themselves to be the greatest, despising the rest in comparison with themselves, I was inspired to speak to them, saying that they were in a chamber in hell. This was proven to them in various ways. And when they wanted to move on into other societies and not be kept where they were, thus to be free, they were told that they cannot be anywhere else, in fact that if they were allowed to go off wherever they liked, they would still fall back of themselves into the same society, thus into the hellish Chamber. Therefore it is they themselves who cast themselves down there, for they cannot desist from that kind of arrogance and the treachery that goes with it.

So that they would find this out, they were let out to wander around, but immediately they fell back of their own accord. These qualities hold their mind captive, and bring them back. They love to be in the dark, saying it is delightful - but so that no one may hear.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1247

1247. While I was talking to them, they, supposing that they were still very great persons, and despising others in comparison with themselves, inquired where they were. It was given me to say that they were in the infernal chamber, which was also shown them by various things. When they wanted to pass into other societies so that they might be free and not be kept there, they were told that they could never be anywhere else, and that even if they were permitted to go wherever they wanted, they would of themselves still fall back into the same society, thus into that infernal chamber. Thus it is they who cast themselves thither, since they cannot desist from such pride and at the same time from deceits. In order that they might know this, they were let out to wander about, but they at once fell back of themselves; for such cupidities hold their "animus" bound, and cause them to return. They love to be in the dark; they say it is their delight that no one should hear them.

Experientiae Spirituales 1247 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1247. Ad eos loquutus dicere dabatur, cum quaererent ubinam essent, putantes se adhuc maximi esse, contemnentes prae se reliquos, quod in infernali camera, quod iis quoque per varia monstratum; cumque vellent in alias societates transire, et sic non teneri ibi, sic ut liberi essent, iis dictum, quod nequeant alibi esse, imo si liceret iis exire quocunque vellent, quod usque in eandem societatem, ita in infernalem Cameram ex se relaberentur, sic ut ii essent, qui se praecipitant illuc, nam non desistere possunt a simili fastu, et simul dolis; ut id scirent, emissi sunt, ut circumvagarentur, sed illico ex semet relapsi sunt, nam talia captivum tenent animum, et 1

remittunt. Amant in obscuro esse, dicunt id delitiae, ut nemo audiat.


1. The Manuscript has animum; et

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