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《灵界经历》 第1248节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1248

1248. They were also told that if they came into other societies, they would now be recognized at once thrown out from them as scum. For after the first period of life after death has passed, spoken of [1092-1109] after they have been rejected so many times by societies of other spirits, they then wear a kind of mark, as did Cain [Gen. 4:15], by which they are known wherever they go. They are recognized not only by their treachery and arrogance, but also by other signs. For example, their face no longer looks human, but a greyish lime color, as though they had nothing whatever of life, but were like statues. Others had other characteristics. Even though they do not look like this to each other, but seem to look like human beings, yet they do so to others, variously according to their attitudes - not to mention other indications that they take on one after another, as when they are being punished.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1248

1248. They were also told that even if they should enter into other societies, they would be immediately recognized and so cast out from them as scum. For after the first period of life after death, concerning which see above [n. 1107 ], and after being cast out from the societies of other spirits many times, they at length acquire a mark as it were like Cain, by which they are known wherever they go. They are recognized not only from their deceit and pride, but also from other signs, for example, their faces no longer appear human but look like gray lime, as if they had nothing whatever of life but were like statues; others appear differently. Although to themselves they appear no otherwise than as men, yet to others they appear as described, with a variety in accordance with their minds [animus]. There are also other signs which they successively contract, as when they are punished.

Experientiae Spirituales 1248 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1248. Iis quoque dictum, si in alias societates venirent, nunc illico cognoscerentur, et sic ab iis sicut spumae, ejicerentur, nam post 1

primam vitae post mortem periodum, de qua prius [1092-1109], dein postquam toties rejecti sunt a societatibus aliorum, tunc trahunt quasi notam, sicut Cainus [Gen. IV: 15], quod ubicunque veniunt, cognoscantur, non solum ex dolis et fastu, sed etiam ex aliis signis, sicut ii, quod facies eorum non appareat amplius humana, sed sicut calcareum griseum, prorsus sicut nihil vitae haberent, sed forent sicut statuae: alii aliter; tametsi sibi non ita apparent, sed sicut homines, usque aliis, ita, cum varietate secundum eorum animos; praeter alia indicia, quae successive contrahunt, sicut dum puniuntur.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has postquam

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