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《灵界经历》 第1249节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1249

1249. Some arrogant spirits, when they appear, at once show me their arrogant attitude. In other words, they appear large, due to their arrogance, and in comparison with them, all the rest look small and almost like nothing, thus despicable. But when one of them thought that all were nothing compared to himself, he was sent by a spiritual portrayal among those despised, and then he seemed to himself to be small, and the others larger. This made him extremely indignant, yet it enabled him to reflect on what he was like; and then he was let back again among the infernals. 1748, 9 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1249

1249. There were also some who are very proud. They manifest their "animus" to me as soon as they appear, that is to say, from their "animus" they appear as if they were great and all others in comparison with them were small, and as it were of no account, thus contemptible. But when one thinks that all others are as nothing in comparison with himself, he is sent by a spiritual representation amongst those whom he despises, and so he seems small to himself and the others greater. This makes him exceedingly indignant, but still he is thereby enabled to reflect upon his own nature, and so be sent back again amongst the infernals. 1748, Mar. 9.

Experientiae Spirituales 1249 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1249. Quidam quoque fastuosi, dum apparent, animum suum mihi manifestant illico, apparent, nempe ex animo eorum, sicut magni, et caeteri omnes respectu eorum, sicut parvi et quasi nihili, sic contemtibiles, sed quum is id putaret, quod omnes nihili essent respectu ejus, tunc missus est, spirituali repraesentatione, inter contemtos, et sic visus sibi parvus, et alii majores, quod summopere indignatus, sed usque exinde reflectere potuit, qualis esset; et sic iterum inter infernales remissus. 1748, 9 Martius.

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