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《灵界经历》 第1250节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1250

1250. About the spirits within the triangular space

About spirits who frighten others, and slaughter, burn up, and miserably treat them within the triangular space leading to both Jerusalems, that is, about the robbers there, you may see above [728-732, 749-754]. The worst are the ones who wander toward the left at the side verging toward the filthy Jerusalem, spoken of before [748, 750]. In their dreadful fantasies they not only depict people, especially Christians, as slaughtered sheep that they hang head down, dripping blood, and then turn on the spit on which they hang a sheep thus skinned; but they also take delight in this display.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1250


Concerning the spirits who terrify others and slaughter, roast, and miserably ill-treat those within the triangular tract which leads to the two Jerusalems, or concerning the robbers there, you may see above [n. 750. The worst are those who wander about at the left, on the side tending towards the filthy Jerusalem, concerning which above. These spirits by their dreadful phantasies not only represent men, especially Christians, as slaughtered sheep which they suspend head downwards covered with blood, and turn them round on the pole from which they hang a sheep thus skinned, but they are delighted with such a spectacle.

Experientiae Spirituales 1250 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1250. De spiritibus intra triangulare spatium

De spiritibus, qui terrificant alios, et eos mactant, cremant, et misere tractant intra triangulare spatium ducens ad utramque Hierosolymam, seu de latronibus ibi, prius videas [728-732, 749-754]; pessimi sunt qui vagantur ad sinistrum ad latus vergens ad Hierosolymam coenosam, de qua prius [748, 750], ii non solum per suas diras phantasias homines, cumprimis Christianos, repraesentant sicut mactatas oves, quas suspendunt, capite deorsum, cum sanguine, et 1

sic circumflectunt super contum a quo suspendunt ovem sic excoriatam, [sed] et tali spectaculo delectantur.


1. The Manuscript has sanguine et

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