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《灵界经历》 第1275节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1275

1275. But afterwards he moved away toward the front. I no longer wanted to speak with him, because he was not open to reason. It was said that his inward thoughts are of the kind that can hardly be described. He revolves so many hatreds at once, spreading them all around, that the spirits round about complained, saying that they too were held by him as if bound up. So he is like mucus. And it was said that they were so enticed by his hatreds that they even cooperated with them, that is, especially those who were not of an unlike breed. Such is the destructive atmosphere of those spirits. 1748, 10 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1275

1275. But afterwards, when he had been moved forwards, I was no longer willing to speak with him, because he was susceptible of no reason. It was said that his thoughts are interiorly of such a nature that they cannot be adequately described. He revolves so many hatreds simultaneously, and scatters them round about, that the surrounding spirits complained that they also were held as if bound by him. Thus he is like the mucus. They also complained that they were so allured by these hatreds that they co-operated together, especially those who were not of a dissimilar stock. Such is the pernicious sphere of these spirits. 1748, Mar. 10.

Experientiae Spirituales 1275 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1275. Sed postea remotus antrorsum, non volui amplius cum eo loqui, quia nullius rationis susceptibilis erat; dicebatur, quod cogitationes ejus interius tales sint, ut non satis describi queant, tam multa odia simul volvit, et dissipat circumcirca, ut spiritus circumcirca conquesti sint, se quoque ab eo teneri sicut vincti, ita sicut mucus, et quod ab iis sic pellecti, ut simul cooperarentur, nempe ii imprimis, qui 1

non dissimilis prosapiae essent. Talis est sphaera perniciosa talium. 1748, 10 Martius.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has quae

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