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《灵界经历》 第1276节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1276

1276. I suppose that he is like this when deprived of his rationality, because he seemed to me to be speechless, like a mass or a stump, in which those hatreds were thus simmering. Therefore mucus, in the spiritual sense, symbolizes tenacious hatreds.

Later it was also discovered that he was not like this outwardly. Then he was quite easy to get along with, but at the time when he was thinking and his thought was full of those hatreds, they did not show in his outermost appearance, with which he was anxious to please the world.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1276

1276. I suppose that he is such since he is deprived of his rationality, for he seemed to me to be mute, and as it were a mass or stock in which those hatreds were thus prepared. Mucus, therefore, in the spiritual sense signifies tenacious hatreds. It was also disclosed later that this spirit was not such in externals, being then more easily dealt with; but when he was thinking in such a manner that his thought was filled with such hatreds, his outermost was not like this, for he thereby applied himself to the world.

Experientiae Spirituales 1276 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1276. Reor, quod talis sit, quum privatus est rationalitate sua, quia mihi mutus visus, et quasi talis moles seu stipes, in quo odia ista ita coquebant. Mucus itaque in spirituali sensu significat 1

odia tenacia. Dein quoque detectum, quod talis non esset in externis, tunc facilior tractatu, sed tunc cum cogitaret, sic ut cogitatio plena esset talibus odiis, non item extimum ejus, eo enim studebat mundo.


1. The Manuscript has significant

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