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《灵界经历》 第1277节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1277

1277. Such spirits, who inwardly constantly dwell on their hatreds, and boil in them, so to speak, are not let into the heaven of spirits, but are kept in a place very deep down from which they cannot get out except at certain times, as many of them did just now, when this spirit became such as he did [1276]. Otherwise he would have been without company. So after that, he spoke as he had previously, and he was surprised to find himself tarrying like that, and the other spirits who had kept him company withdrawing. It was then that some were released and joined to him.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1277

1277. Such spirits as these, who inwardly dwell upon continuous hatreds and in whom hatreds, as it were, burn, are not admitted into the heaven of spirits, but are kept in a very deep place, whence they are unable to go forth except on certain occasions, as many of them did when that spirit became such, for otherwise he would have been without a companion. He therefore spoke as formerly, and he later wondered while he was thus remaining there, that the other spirits with whom he had had companionship withdrew themselves from him. Certain of them were then bound and adjoined to him.

Experientiae Spirituales 1277 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1277. Tales, nempe qui continua odia intus versant, et in queis quasi coquunt, non admittuntur in spirituum coelum, sed tenentur in profundissimo, unde exire nequeunt, nisi certis occasionibus, ut nunc plures eorum, quando hic talis factus est-alioquin 1

fuisset absque consortio-quare 2

postea loquutus est ut prius, et miratus, cum ita jaceret, et spiritus alii se ab eo retraherent, unde consortium haberet; tunc religatia quidam, ei adjuncti sunt.


1. The Manuscript has est, alioquin

2. The Manuscript has consortio, quare

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