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《灵界经历》 第1278节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1278

1278. When these spirits were released from that very deep hell, the contents of my stomach were rolled around so much that I was forced to throw up my meal, such a change do they bring about in the spirit realm by their first presence. Because they have with them a kind of poison, they like to pour the poison into someone, the effect of which was throwing up. For just as in life they had wanted to kill people by poisoning, this desire remains rooted in their minds and they strive to do the same. This effect, therefore, was due to them, and not, as on other occasions, due to emetics or overeating. It was the effect of such spirits, I realized.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1278

1278. When the spirits from this very deep hell were bound together, the things in my stomach were so rolled about that I was compelled to throw up what I had eaten; for as soon as they are present they bring about a change in the sphere of the spirits, because they have with them a poison, as it were, and desire to infuse their poison into man, the effect of which was the vomiting. For as they had desired to kill men by poison during their life, so this desire is inseated in their "animus", and they breath it forth. Hence this effect is from them, not as on other occasions from emetics and from partaking of too much food, but I perceived that it was the effect of such spirits.

Experientiae Spirituales 1278 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1278. Cum tales ex inferno profundissimo religati {a} sunt, tunc revolvebantur ea quae in ventriculo, sic ut evomere dapes coactus sum, ita enim 1

prima sua praesentia alterationem inducunt spirituum sphaerae; quia secum habent quasi venenum, nam venenum infundere cupiunt homini, cujus effectus erat vomitio: sicut enim in vita veneno necare homines cupiverunt, ita insidet hoc animis eorum, et simile spirant; unde effectus, ex iis, non sicut in aliis occasionibus, ex emeticis, et ex cibis affatim ingestis, sed erat effectus talium, quod percepi.

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