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《灵界经历》 第1282节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1282

1282. One of these spirits, whom I had not seen and yet who had been let out of that very deep place, was described as having such a very strong poisonous aura of hatred. He was described by the one who was with me, who was aware of him.

I was told that this one had killed many people with poisons in the life of his body, without any conscience. He thought it made no difference whether they died a few years earlier, or later on. He had practiced these dreadful murders even on innocent people, and anyone he pleased.

Those accessory to these murderers are also with them in that very deep place, but because they only acted on orders, and not with premeditation, they are treated more mildly. They do nothing there except on orders, so that their lot is certainly milder, yet still they are in the midst of the worst infernals.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1282

1282. One of them, whom I did not see, but who was sent forth from that very deep hell, was described as having a much stronger poisonous sphere of hatred. He was described by the spirit who was with me that I might perceive him. It was said that during his life in the body he had killed many by poison, without any conscience, deeming it all the same whether they died a few years sooner or later. He had practiced these dreadful murders against the innocent, and against whomsoever he willed. The helpers of such murderers are also with them in that very deep hell, but because they acted only from command, and not from premeditation, they are treated more mildly; they do nothing there except from command, for which reason their lot is indeed milder, but still they are amongst the worst infernals.

Experientiae Spirituales 1282 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1282. Unus eorum, quem non vidi, et qui tamen ex profundissimo isto emissus est, describebatur quod fortiorem talem venenatam odii sphaeram haberet, qui ab illo, qui apud me erat, descriptus est, quod eum perciperet: dicebatur, quod is multos in vita corporis necaverit venenis, absque ulla conscientia; putans, quod perinde esset, si morerentur aliquot annos prius, quam serius, is exercuerat tales diras neces, et quidem contra innocentes, quoscunque vellet; ministri eorum simul etiam sunt cum iis in profundissimo, sed quia ex mandato solum egerunt, nec praemeditato, mitius agitur cum iis, nec ibi quicquam nisi ex mandatis agunt, quare eorum quidem sors mitior est, sed usque inter pessimos infernales.

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