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《灵界经历》 第1283节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1283

1283. Because this devil showed himself outwardly as innocent, he revealed his true self to me in a vision of a little child, with a not unhandsome face, carrying some kind of container in his hand, but in his right hand he held a dagger. Because of that I was enabled to know at once that his intention was to kill with the poison he carried in the container, and of course, under a guise of innocence. Therefore, such a spirit is immediately exposed, however much he strives to hide himself. In this way it is also known that he is among the worst, like the one having such a strong poisonous aura.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1283

1283. Because this devil was representing himself in externals as innocent, he showed himself to me through the appearance of an infant with a not uncomely face, carrying in his hand a certain vessel, but in his right hand holding a dagger. From this it could be known at once that he had the intention of killing someone by the poison which he carried in the vessel, and this under the guise of innocence; such an intention is immediately made manifest, however much the spirit may strive to conceal it. Thus also is it known that he is among the worst. Of such a nature was he who had so strong a poisonous sphere.

Experientiae Spirituales 1283 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1283. Is diabolus quia se innocentem in externis praebuit, se manifestavit mihi per visionem infantis, faciei non impulchrae, manu ferens vas quoddam, sed dextra manu pugionem habens, exinde licuit statim scire, quod intentio esset necandi per venenum, quod ferret in vase, et quidem sub specie innocentiae, quare talis illico manifestus est, utcunque se occultare studet; sic etiam noscitur quod inter pessimos sit; talis erat qui sphaeram tam fortem venenatam habuit.

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