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《灵界经历》 第1288节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1288

1288. About a very deep hell

The hellish demon or fury who had been here and brought with him such a poisonous aura, and who sent out to me a little child with a dagger and a container of poison [1282-1283], and later did the same to someone else, was afterwards removed, to be sent back to his cadaverous hell [1279]. He moved on, somewhat to the left, a little toward the region of the temple, at the same level, and in fact to a great distance, without descending.

Afterwards he sank down, at first into a fire that appeared, then into fiery smoke like that of a furnace. Soon he passed under that furnace - for the place was portrayed as a huge furnace-towards the parts in front where there were caverns sloping downwards and to the sides in every direction. There he sank down into the cadaverous stink, and as he made his way thither, he was constantly thinking up evils and planning bad things, especially against innocent people, without a cause. The spirits around me shuddered and fled away. When he fell through the fire, he wailed miserably. 1748, 10 March.

This hell is under the earth, in the very dark caverns described previously [1246-1249, 1257-1266].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1288


That infernal genius, or fury, who was here and brought with him such a poisonous sphere, and who had sent an infant to me with a dagger and a vessel of poison, [see n. 1283, and later had done the same to another, was afterwards removed so that he might be sent back to his cadaverous hell. He proceeded slightly to the left, a little towards the temple and to a considerable distance in the same plane without descending. Afterwards he sank down, at first into a fire which appeared, then into a fiery smoke like that of a furnace, and soon afterwards beneath that furnace, for the place was represented as a great furnace. He continued to go towards the front where there were caverns which sloped downwards and to the sides in every direction, and there he sank down into that cadaverous stench. As he proceeded along the way he was continually thinking and intending evils, especially against the innocent, without any cause. The spirits around me were horrified and fled away. As he passed through the fire he uttered lamentations. 1748, Mar. 10. This hell is under the earth in the very dark caverns described above [see nos. 1246-1249 and 1257-1266].

Experientiae Spirituales 1288 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1288. De inferno profundissimo

Infernalis genius seu furia, qui hic fuit, et tantam sphaeram venenatam secum ferebat, quique infantem cum pugione, et vase veneni emisit ad me [1282-1283], et postea similiter ad alium, is remotus postea, ut remitteretur in infernum suum cadaverosum 1

; pergebat fere ad sinistrum, paulum versus temporis [regionem], in eodem plano, et quidem ad multam distantiam, absque descensu; postea delapsus, et primum in ignem, qui apparuit, tum in fumum igneum sicut fornacis, mox sub ista fornace-nam 2

locus sicut magnae fornacis repraesentabatur-versus 3

anteriora pergebat, ubi cavernae, quae deorsum tendebant, et ad latera, quaquaversum, delapsus ibi in foetorem cadaverosum; in via illuc pergens, continue cogitabat mala, et intendebat mala, et quidem praecipue contra innocentes, absque causa; spiritus circum me abhorrebant et aufugerant; dum per ignem lapsus est, tunc lamentatus 4

est. 1748, 10 Martius. Hoc infernum est sub terra in cavernis tenebrosissimis prius descriptis [1246-1249, 1257-1266].


1. The Manuscript has cadaversolum

2. The Manuscript has fornace, nam

3. The Manuscript has repraesentabatur, versus

4. The Manuscript has lamentatatus

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