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《灵界经历》 第1302节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1302

1302. But this spirit afterwards changed into a dark blue, and presently into black. He did acknowledge that he was a sinner, but said that he had suffered by being trampled by others under their feet, as he put it. This he calls Christian suffering. Thus he was the least, so that he would become the greatest in heaven [cf. references at 1234]. So his motive was his own greatness in heaven, and since he looked down on others in comparison with himself, he therefore became blacker than others.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1302

1302. But this spirit was afterwards turned into a dusky blue and later into a black color. He acknowledged indeed that he was a sinner, and that he had suffered himself to be trodden under foot by others, as he said, which he called having Christian patience. Thus he acknowledged that he was the least in order that he might become the greatest in heaven, wherefore he had his own greatness in heaven as his end, despising others in comparison with himself. For this reason he became blacker than the others.

Experientiae Spirituales 1302 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1302. Sed idem postea conversus est in obscurum coeruleum, et mox in nigrum, agnovit quidem quod peccator esset, tum quod passus esset, ut ab aliis sub pedibus, ut dixit, calcaretur, quod vocat patientiam Christianam, et sic quod minimus esset, ob causam, ut maximus fieret in coelo [cf. loca ad 1[134]; quare finem habuit suae magnitudinis in coelo, et alios sic prae se contemnens, ideo factus est nigrior, quam alii.

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