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《灵界经历》 第1328节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1328

1328. For if only the miserable, the poor, orphans, and widows were to inherit heaven, then all others would be shut out. Yet the truth is rather that fewer of the beggars, of the poor in respect to bodily nourishment, even of the physically miserable, when they are not miserable spiritually, come into heaven, than of others. How miserable is the life of many sailors, and of many soldiers, as well as many of the lowest class of people, yet who do not think at all about life eternal and heaven, besides other like cases that ought, as I also said, to be more fully aired and explained. It was said that the queen of Arabia should be let into heaven before such people; and I would even venture to guess that she is indeed in heaven.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1328

1328. If only the miserable, the poor, orphans, and widows were to inherit heaven, then all others would be excluded. On the contrary, it is rather the truth in regard to beggars and persons who are poor as to bodily necessities, yea who are miserable as to the life of the body when they are not miserable spiritually, that fewer of them come into heaven than others. How miserable is the life of many sailors and soldiers and of many of the lowest class of people, and yet they do not at all think about eternal life and heaven, and other like things which have all the more need of being considered and explained, as was also said. It is stated that the Queen of Arabia would be admitted into heaven before such as they, and I surmise that she also is in heaven.

Experientiae Spirituales 1328 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1328. Si enim miseri solum, pauperes, pupilli, et viduae haereditarent coelum, tunc excluderentur omnes reliqui, cum tamen id potius verum est, quod pauciores mendicantes, et pauperes quoad victum corporis, imo miseri quoad corporis vitam, dum non miseri sunt spiritualiter, in coelum veniant, quam alii: quam miserabilis vita est multorum nautarum, et multorum militum, tum multorum ex infima plebe, et tamen ne hilum cogitant de vita aeterna, et de coelo, praeter similia alia, quae magis ventilanda et explicanda sunt, sicut etiam dictum: dictum quod regina Arabiae in coelum prius admittenda, quam tales: et reor quod illa quoque in coelo sit.

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