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《灵界经历》 第1329节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1329

1329. The third subject that was then discussed - not being one of the false arguments that caused the murmuring-was the question, why it is that those mentioned in the Word of the Lord and otherwise well known persons appear, and not others who are not so famous. Take, for example, the fact that the apostles were present just now and were the subjects of argumentation. Since this happens in heaven, that is, that well known people are present, just as even some that I have known in life, who were there-since it is true that this happens-very many heavenly secrets can be deduced from that fact, such as that the order and mutual sharing of the societies require it, although none come to view unless they are permitted by the Lord and it happens by His grace.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1329

1329. There was a third subject then discussed. This was not among those reasonings from which the murmuring arose. The question was why those persons mentioned in the Lord's Word or who are otherwise well known become present as that the apostles should now be present and be the subjects of their reasonings, and not those who are not so famous. From the fact that in heaven those who are well known are present, as also those whom I knew in their lifetime who were present, and because it is true that this is so, very many heavenly arcana can thence be deduced, as that the order and the communications of the societies require it although no one comes into sight except one who is permitted by the Lord, and this takes place from leave.

Experientiae Spirituales 1329 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1329. Tertium erat, quod dein ventilabatur, non quod inter ratiocinia esset 1

, ex quibus murmura; nempe cur ii qui in Verbo Domini, et alioquin noti facti sint, compareant, et non sic ii qui non ita famigerati sint, sicut apostoli quod nunc afforent, et ii subjecta essent ratiocinationis, hoc quia in coelo contingit, nempe quod noti adsint, sicut etiam ii quos cognovi in vita, qui aderant, hoc quia verum est, quod ita sit, inde perplura arcana coelestia inde deduci possint, quod sic ordo et societatum communiones poscant, tametsi nemo venit in visum, nisi qui a Domino permittitur, et fita ex venia.


1. The Manuscript has essent

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