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《灵界经历》 第1331节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1331

1331. Nevertheless, so that the apostles would know that they were in heaven - for no one of the angels who is let back into the state of his bodily life, thus becoming a spirit, knows what he or she had done in heaven, for they do not remember, and even doubt both that they are in heaven, and that they possess heavenly life and joy-therefore, so that they would know this, an angel in me spoke with them until they were restored to heavenly life. He spoke in such a way that they were aware of it as spirits and thereby knew not only that they were in heaven, but also how much happier that life was than life as a spirit or in the body.

When the angel was speaking with them and they were touched with heavenly joy, they then spoke out saying that it was happier than they could ever tell, so there was no comparison, as I too now perceive from them - for they do not want any comparison to be made, because there is none.

In this way it was recalled to their remembrance - something granted to few-that they are in heaven, and that they have joy in place of the bodily life they so love when living as spirits! Then they want to find out everything that is being written here and fell judgment regarding it. This they do because of an active habit they acquired during life in the world. 1748, 13 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1331

1331. Moreover, angels who are sent back into the state of their bodily life and become spirits do not know what they have done in heaven, not remembering such things, and therefore doubting both that they are in heaven and that they enjoy heavenly life and joy. In order, therefore, that the apostles might know that they were in heaven, an angel spoke with them through [in] me until they had been restored to the heavenly life. In this way they, as spirits, could observe this, and at the same time could thence know not only that they were in heaven, but also how much happier that life was than the life of a spirit and that of the body. During the time the angel was talking with them and they were being affected with heavenly joy, they said that it was a happiness greater than they could ever declare, thus that there was no comparison, as I now perceive from them for they are not willing that a comparison should be made, because it is impossible. In this way it was recalled to their remembrance which is granted to few that they are in heaven, and that their joy on account of the life of the body which they so much loved when they lived as spirits [is comparatively nothing]; for then they want to know all the things which are here written, and to pass judgment on them, and this from a habit acquired during their lives in the world. 1748, Mar. 13.

Experientiae Spirituales 1331 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1331. Ut tamen scirent apostoli, quod in coelo essent-nam 1

nemo angelorum, qui remittitur in statum vitae corporis, et fit spiritus, novit quid egerit in coelo, nam non reminiscuntur eorum, quare etiam dubitant, tam quod sint in coelo, tum quod coelesti vita et gaudio polleant-hoc 2

itaque ut scirent, angelus in me loquutus est cum iis, dum restituti essent coelesti vitae, ita ut simul apperceperint id, ut spiritus, sic ut inde scirent non solum quod in coelo essent, sed etiam quam felicior ista vita esset prae vita spiritus et corporis; interea, cum angelus loquebatur cum iis, et afficiebantur coelesti gaudio, tunc loquebantur, quod felicior esset, quam ut usquam id praedicare possent, sic ut nulla comparatio, sicut nunc quoque ab iis percipio, nam non volunt ut comparatio instituatur, quia non dabilis, ita iis ad reminiscentiam revocatum est, quod paucis concessum est, quod in coelo sint, et quod [iis] gaudium, pro vita corporis, quam tantopere amant, dum ut spiritus vivunt! tunc enim omnia volunt scire quae hic scribuntur, et de iis judicium ferre, et hoc ex actuali consuetudine in vita eorum in mundo. 1748, 13 Martius.


1. The Manuscript has essent, nam

1. The Manuscript has polleant; hoc

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