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《灵界经历》 第1332节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1332

1332. It is remarkable how one spirit was in a middle state, as if alternately on both sides for short intervals, in heaven as an angel, and outside of heaven as a spirit. When in heaven, he said he did not like to live as a spirit, when a spirit, that he did not like to be in heaven, because he at once forgets the previous state.

Hence it can be known what the condition of some who are in heaven is like. Sometimes bodily elements fight with heavenly ones, so that they love neither the one kind nor the other. Therefore, when this gives rise to anxiety, that is, this balancing of heavenly and bodily elements, causing something like fermentation, then that spirit is let back into the state of his previous life, until he feels bored with it. Then this spirit, who had already long ago been gifted with the ability to live among heavenly beings, is once again admitted into heaven, so long as bodily elements do not prevail. For his abilities are then balanced. When the heavenly ability prevails, he is gifted by the Lord with heaven: and this is what is given by the Lord and added over and above his prior life, which is not taken away. 1748, 13 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1332

1332. It was a remarkable thing that a certain spirit was in a middle state, as if alternating for short periods between each state, that is, between being in heaven as an angel, and outside heaven as a spirit. When he was in heaven he said that he did not want to be a spirit, and when a spirit that he did not want to be in heaven, the reason being that in the one state the other was immediately forgotten. From this it can also be known what is the state of certain ones in heaven, namely, that at times corporeal things combat against heavenly things, and thus they love neither the one nor the other. And since anxiety and hence a kind of fermentation, as it were, arises from this state, or from such an equilibration between heavenly and corporeal things, the spirit is remitted into the state of his former life until he is affected with disgust by it, after which he is again admitted into heaven. He has already been gifted by the Lord with the capability of being among the heavenly ones, as long as corporeal things do not prevail. For the capabilities are so balanced that as long as the heavenly capability prevails, the spirit is gifted by the Lord with heaven. It is this which is given by the Lord and super-added to his former life which is not taken away. 1748, Mar. 13.

Experientiae Spirituales 1332 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1332. Mirum est, cum esset quidam in statu medio, sicut utrobique per breves vices, in coelo ut angelus, et extra coelum ut spiritus, ita ut alternaret, cum in coelo dicebat, quod non vellet ut spiritus esse, cum spiritus quod non vellet in coelo, quia illico obliviscitur status prioris; ex hoc quoque sciri potest, qualis status quorundam est, qui in coelo, quod quandoque pugnent corporea cum coelestibus, et sic quod nec unum nec alterum ament, quare cum inde seu ex tali aequilibratione coelestium et corporeorum oritur sollicitudo, et inde quasi quoddam fermenti instar, tunc remittitur talis in statum prioris vitae, usque dum taedio ejus afficiatur, dein in coelum iterum admittitur, qui jamdum facultate a Domino donatus est, ut interesse possit coelestibus, dum corporea non praevalent, nam facultates sic librantur; dum coelestis facultas praevalet, a Domino donatur coelo; et hoc est, quod donatur a Domino, et superadditur vitae ejus priori, quae non aufertur. 1748, 13 Martius.

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