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《灵界经历》 第1355节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1355

1355. Spirits can be extremely misled in their judgments about souls

You may see, where judgments were spoken of earlier [ 921-3, 1220], that they can be quite mistaken. This is clear from the fact that when a soul is in a group, and is driven by that group and others into some feeling or desire, then while speaking they examine him, and cause him to speak also- which is easily done. When they hear his conversation flowing uninhibited, as if he were speaking on his own, then they judge him by what he says, when yet it is as if the feeling or desire were speaking, whereas he is not like that.

Every soul can easily be brought into a state of such feelings or desires, then as souls speak out of this state of desire as if from themselves, the spirits therefore at once judge regarding their life. This judgment is sometimes wrong. I have observed it in their examinations of souls, and the same in regard to myself, thus from actual experience. So the Lord alone knows the inward and more inward qualities of a person or a soul. 1748, 15 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1355


That spirits can be greatly deceived concerning such judgments, see above [nos. 921-933, 1220. Hence it can be evident that when a soul is in their company, and is reduced by them and by others into a certain affection or cupidity, the spirits then examine him by speaking, and force him to speak also. This is easily done. When they hear his conversation flow without interruption, as if from himself, they then judge that he is of a certain nature, when nevertheless it is the affection or cupidity which thus, as it were, speaks, and the soul is not of such a nature. Into a state of such affections or cupidities every soul can be easily reduced, and he then speaks from the state of that cupidity as if from himself, and according to this spirits immediately judge concerning his life. This judgment is sometimes false. I have observed something similar to this examination of souls in my own case, thus from living experience; wherefore the Lord alone knows the interior and the more interior things of men and souls. 1748, Mar. 15.

Experientiae Spirituales 1355 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1355. Quod spiritus valde seduci possint in judiciis suis de animabus

De judiciis prius videas [921-23, 1[220], quod admodum falli possint, constare potest exinde, quod dum anima in consortio est, et ab eo aliisque redigitur in quandam affectionem aut cupiditatem, tunc examinant loquendo, faciuntque ut is quoque loquatur, quod facile est; quando audiunt ejus sermonem fluere absque impedimento, sicut ab eo, tunc judicant quod talis sit, cum tamen est affectio seu cupiditas, quae sic quasi loquitur, cum tamen talis non sit; in talium affectionum aut cupiditatum statum facile redigitur unaquaevis anima, et tunc loquitur ex istius cupiditatis statu sicut ex se, ideo de ejus vita illico judicant; quod judicium est falsum quandoque; simile observavi in examinibus animarum, simile in me, sic ex viva experientia; quare Solus Dominus novit hominis et animae interiora, ac intimiora. 1748, 15 Martius.

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