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《灵界经历》 第1361节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1361

1361. On this account, they have bothered me for a long time, in fact, for weeks, for even over a month, and have brought on that kind of hazardous impulse to put my tongue between my teeth, and then bite it off. I have complained about this for a long time, finding it unbelievable that any person should be troubled by such an impulsive urge. I do know where it comes from, for the cause of it is that they are all spirits who hate truths. They love only the literal meaning, then trust in their own merits and maintain that they deserve heaven on account of a little persecution, besides many other causes. 1748, 14 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1361

1361. Moreover, these spirits have long troubled me, for weeks, indeed for a month and more, and they brought about an urge, as it were, and thus the danger, that they would thrust my tongue between my teeth and so cut it off. For a long time I complained about this, and said that it is incredible that any man should be troubled with such an urge, as it were, or such an impulse. I know, indeed, whence it is. The cause of it is in all those who hate verities; they love only the literal sense, for they then trust in their own merit, and want to merit heaven on account of some persecutions, besides many other causes. 1748, Mar. 14.

Experientiae Spirituales 1361 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1361. Propterea ii, me vexarunt diu, et quidem per septimanas imo per mensem, quod excurrit, ac induxerunt eum quasi pruritum, seu id periculum, ut linguam meam educerent inter dentes, et sic amputarent, de quo diu conquestus sum, quodque hoc incredibile sit, quod ullus homo tali quasi pruritu seu conatu, vexaretur: scio quidem unde; sed causa ejus in eo est, quod sint omnes ii qui odio habent veritates, nam literalem sensum solum amant, tunc enim suis meritis fidunt, et ob aliquas persecutiones mereri volunt coelum, praeter plures alias causas. 1748, 14 Martius.

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