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《灵界经历》 第1362节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1362

1362. There are spirits who answer to all and the very least muscles in man; and angels, too

It is an amazing thing, which possibly very few are able to believe, that there are spirits and angels who answer to the smallest muscles in man - and not only spirits and angels, but societies of spirits and angels. In fact, the more there are in a society, and the more societies of the same kind answering to the smallest muscles, the better and the stronger is their action, because "there is strength in numbers working together." Because they all work together, energy rebounds into individual people, even into spirits. This is the unbelievable thing, and yet it is most true: the heavens interact with the individual, and the individual can therefore be called a heaven, and a kingdom of the Lord, because the Kingdom of God is within each one [see Luke 17:21].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1362


It is a wonderful thing which perhaps very few can believe, that there are spirits and angels who answer to each single muscle in man - not only spirits and angels, but societies of spirits and angels. Indeed, the more there are in the society, and the more societies there are of the same kind, answering to each single muscle, the better and the stronger it is, because in a unanimous multitude there is strength. Since they all act [as one], the effort to act re-bounds upon the individual men and indeed upon spirits. That this is so cannot indeed be believed, but it is nevertheless the very truth. Thus the heavens correspond to man, so that man can be called a heaven and a Kingdom of the Lord, for the Kingdom of God is within him [Luke xvii 21.

Experientiae Spirituales 1362 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1362. Quod spiritus sint, qui respondeant omnibus et singulis musculis in homine, tum quoque angeli

Mirum est, quod forte paucissimi credere possunt, quod spiritus ac angeli sint, qui respondent singulis musculis in homine, nec solum spiritus, et angeli, sed societates spirituum et angelorum, imo quo plures in societate, et plures unius generis societates, respondentes singulis, eo melius, et eo fortius, quia in multitudine unanima fortitudo, qui omnes quia agunt, conatus agendi resultat in singulos homines, imo in spiritus; tale est quod quidem credi non potest, usque tamen verissimum est, ita coeli correspondent homini, et homo sic coelum, et regnum Domini dici potest, quia in illo est Regnum Dei [cf. Luc. XVII: 21].

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