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《灵界经历》 第1389节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1389

1389. This same spirit has constantly despised me, and yet cannot depart from me

However much I have struggled with that spirit, he nevertheless still tries to mix himself into everything I have written, so that he could not stop doing so, however much he despises me at heart. For, provided the things being written come from him, he desires them.

He is back now, above my head, and says he will stay with me, and that he will direct [the writing] as it suits him. These words mean that there will be those who will surely read my writings, but will nevertheless hold to their own opinions and interpret them according to their own fantasies. Being earthly people, they are unwilling to end their fantasies, even though they may see truths. 1748, 15 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1389


However much I have striven with that spirit, he still desires to intermingle himself with what I have written, so that he has not been able to desist from it, even though he despises me in his heart. He would like it if only the things that are being written were to come forth from him. He is now back again above my head, and he says that he will continue to remain with me and thus direct [what I write] so that it suits himself. This signifies that there are those who will indeed read what I have written, but who, because they are natural, will still remain in their own opinions, and interpret it according to their phantasies from which they are unwilling to desist, even though they see truths. 1748, Mar. 15.

Experientiae Spirituales 1389 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1389. Quod idem spiritus continuo me contemserit, sed usque a me discedere nequeat

Utcunque laboratum est cum spiritu isto, usque tamen iis se immiscere cupit, quae scripsi, sic ut ab eo desistere non potuerit, utcunque me corde suo contemnat, nam si modo ab eo proficiscuntur, quae scribuntur, id cupit; nunc redux super caput meum est, dicitque quod mansurus usque mecum, et quod ita recturus, sicut sibi convenit: significant, quod tales existent, qui quidem scripta lecturi sint, sed qui usque in opinionibus suis 1

mansuri, et interpretaturi secundum suas phantasias, a quibus, quia naturales, desistere non volunt; tametsi videant veritates. 1748, 15 Martius.


1. The Manuscript has suae ut apparet

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