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《灵界经历》 第1402节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1402

1402. About a state of being chastened in darkness

There are those who think they understand what is true and good by their own power, being self-confident, and thus thinking themselves enlightened beyond all others, when in fact they are ignorant of what is true and good, even having an attitude of unwillingness to learn what is true and good. Such people are therefore purged by a state of darkness, by being put in the dark. Then they talk as if they were insane, because [the darkness] brings on stupidity. They appear a little above the head, switching between the front part and the back, so that one does not know where they are, with their back upwards and their head bent, looking downwards. Some who had been of this character in their bodily life are now in this state.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1402


There are spirits who suppose that they understand truth and good from themselves, and trust in themselves, and so consider that they are enlightened above all others, when on the contrary they are in ignorance of truth and good, and indeed are of such a disposition that they are unwilling to understand them. Such spirits are also vastated by a state of darkness. They are immersed in darkness, and then at the same time they speak, as it were, foolishly, being together in their stupidity. They appear a little above the head, sometimes in front, sometimes behind, so that it may not be known where they are. Their back is turned upwards, with their head looking downwards. Some who had been of such a nature in the life of the body are now in this state.

Experientiae Spirituales 1402 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1402. De statu vastationis in tenebris

Qui putant se ex semet intelligere verum et bonum, ac sibi fidunt, et sic omnibus praelucere se putant, cum tamen in ignorantia veri et boni sunt, imo in eo animo, ut intelligere verum et bonum non velint, ii vastantur quoque per statum tenebrarum, mittuntur in tenebras, et simul tunc loquuntur quasi fatue, quia simul in stupiditate; apparent paulo supra caput a parte anteriore et posteriore ambigue, sic ut nesciatur ubi, tergo sursum, et capite inflexo spectante 1

infra, in tali statu sunt nunc quidam, qui tales fuerunt in vita corporis 2



1. The Manuscript has inflexum spectans

2. The Manuscript has corpore

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