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《灵界经历》 第1410节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1410

1410. About the woolen veil, again [1371-1376]

A female spirit was being wrapped in a woolen veil, this time a thinner and whiter one [than the veil spoken of earlier]. She began in the same way, near my head, proceeding to the left toward the earth of those below, almost above the roof of the woodcutters, but not so deep down. It had not wound up very far, but when she rolled back, she could never come to the end. For because she was wrapped up very little, she kept hoping that she would finally roll free, but she hoped in vain. In fact, she even unrolled to the point where hardly any of the bodily axis was left [wrapped], and yet it was still as if she were in the veil, and in this condition she was taken out.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1410


A certain female spirit was rolled up in a woolen veil, and indeed in one that was thinner and more whitish. She, likewise, began around my head, and proceeded to the left towards the lower earth, as it were above the roof of the wood-cutters, but not so deeply. There were a few rollings, but when she unrolled herself she could never come to the end, for, being but slightly rolled up, she was ever in the hope that she would finally be unwound; but in vain. Indeed she continued to roll herself up until there remained scarcely any axis or body. Yet there was, so that she was in the veil. Thus she was extricated.

Experientiae Spirituales 1410 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1410. De velo laneo, iterum [vide 1371-1376]

Quaedam involvebatur velo laneo, et quidem tenuiori, et magis albescenti, similiter incipiebat circa caput meum, et procedebat ad sinistrum, versus terram inferiorum, supra quasi tectum lignariorum, sed non ita profunde; paucae volutionis 1

erat, sed cum ea se revolveret, nusquam potuit finem habere, nam in spe semper erat, quia parum involuta, quod tandem evolveretur, sed hoc frustra, imo etiam se evolvebat, usque ut vix aliquis axis seu corpus remaneret, et tamen usque erat, sic ut esset in velo, sic ea extrahebatur.


1. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition ubi Manuscript volutiotiones ut videtur

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