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《灵界经历》 第1412节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1412

1412. Later this veil was changed into a thicker one, like the (mattor giorda af sadant som Hollenska mattorna pa golfwet, derest jag vis ar 1), a veil verging on yellow. Finally, when she still would not desist from her tenacity, she was completely rolled up in it, into quite a thick volume, which was thrown toward the back as if she were contemptible. But later, near me, she was rolled back in upright position, as if on a different axis, and then freed; for afterwards she spoke, and I noticed that she was compelling herself not to be like that, so this time she had been corrected to some extent.


1. Swedish for "carpets made of the same material as Dutch carpets on the floor, if I am right."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1412

1412. Moreover, this veil was changed into a coarser one, like (rugs made of such [material] as the Dutch rugs on the floor where I now am). 1The veil was verging to a yellow color. And at length, since she would still not desist from her tenacity she was completely rolled up in this veil into quite a thick roll, which was projected toward the back of the body, as though she was being projected. But later, and near me, the roll was revolved vertically, as though on another axis. Then she was liberated; for she afterwards spoke with me, and I perceived that she forced herself not to be of such a nature. Thus she was for this time amended to some extent.


1. The words in parentheses were written in Swedish: (mattor giorda af sadant som Hollenska mattorna pa golfwet derest jag nu ar.)

Experientiae Spirituales 1412 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1412. Porro mutabatur hoc velum in crassius 1

, qualia sunt (mattor 2

giorda af sadant som Hollenska mattorna pa golfwet, derest jag vis ar {a}), in 3

quale velum ad flavum vergens, et tandem, cum adhuc non desiiteret a sua tenacitate, involuta est plane tali, in volumen satis crassum, quod projectum erat ad tergum, quasi foret projecta; sed postea prope me, verticaliter positum revolvebatur quasi super alium axem, et sic liberata, nam postea loquuta est, et percepi, quod se cogeret, ut non talis esset, sic emendata hac vice, quoad partem.


1. The Manuscript has crassium ut apparet

2. The Manuscript has sunt,

3. The Manuscript has ar:

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