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《灵界经历》 第1414节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1414

1414. So she had been wrapped in the veil, I suppose, as a result of what had preceded, namely, that she had become indignant because others had not shown her enough respect. For she was confident that she was one of the cleverest people, and excelled others. And because she was captivated by that passion, she had the utmost self-confidence, and could not be corrected verbally, so she was put in the veil.

Whether there was some other factor, as in the one who had previously been wrapped in a veil [1371, 1377-1378], I do not rightly know. Perhaps she was of a like disposition, and had been one of them, not wanting to know inward and very inward [truths], and was conceited, as I now realize. So she had a similar punishment, differing as befitted her arrogance and imagined superiority. 1748, 16 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1414

1414. I suppose, therefore, that she was enveloped in the veil owing to what had preceded, namely, that she was indignant because others had not shown her enough honor, for she was confident that she was one of the cleverer spirits, and excelled. And because she was seized by such cupidity that she had the utmost confidence in herself, and could not be amended by words, she was therefore put under the veil. Whether there was something else, as in the case of the spirit who was before rolled up in the veil [n. 1371 ], I do not well know. Perhaps she was of a like mind [animus], and had been among such spirits, so that she was not willing to know interior and more interior things, and was of an elated mind [animus] as I now perceive. For this reason there was a similar punishment, with variation according to her animus and imaginary power. 1748, Mar. 16.

Experientiae Spirituales 1414 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1414. Quare velo involuta sit, autumo, ex iis, quae praecesserunt, quod indignata, quia non tantum honoris alii ei praestiterint 1

, nam fidit sibi, quod inter sollertiores esset, et excelleret, et quia tali cupiditate capta erat, quod sibi fideret plurimum, nec emendari verbis potuit, ideo velo immissa est; si quid aliud esset, simile ac in eo qui velo prius fuit involutus [1371, 1377-1378], non bene scio, forte erat ex simili animo, et fuerat inter eos, sic ut interiora et intimiora non vellet scire, et elato animo esset, quod nunc percipio, quare similis poena, cum varietate secundum animum, et potentiam imaginariam. 1748, 16 Martius.


1. The Manuscript has praesterint

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