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《灵界经历》 第1432节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1432

1432. A certain one from among their earthly inhabitants was shown to me, not unlike people of our earth-dressed in clothes of a dark blue color, symbolizing their disposition (wid om armarna, nestan som hos oss, med sadana armar, som brukas i England, i stelle for handklaffar). 1Whether their people are so dressed, I do not know, or whether their minds were being thus portrayed. They only said, when I later portrayed such a person to them in that dress, that he had recognized them, or us. 2


1. Swedish for "wide around the arms, almost as ours are, but with sleeves such as are customary in England instead of cuffs."

2. Thus darkening their answer with ambiguity [see 1422].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1432

1432. A man from the inhabitants of their earth was shown me. He was not unlike the men of our earth. He was clothed in a garment of a dark blue color, by which is signified their mind [animus], (having wide sleeves almost as with us, but with such sleeves as are used in England instead of cuffs). 1Whether their men are so clothed, or whether this is a representation of their animus, I do not know; I know only this, that when later I represented to them such a man clothed in this manner, they said that they knew them, that is, "knew ourselves".


1. The words included in parentheses are in Swedish: (wid om armarna, nestan som hos oss, men med sadana armar, som brukas i England i stelle for hand klaffar). The words wid and men are each scored out with a horizontal line.

Experientiae Spirituales 1432 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1432. Homo quidam, ex eorum incolis, mihi ostensus est, non absimilis hominibus nostrae telluris, indutus veste, colore obscuro coeruleo, quo significatur eorum animus, (wid 1

om armarna, nestan som hos oss, med sadana armar, som brukas i England, i stelle for handklaffar {a}); num homines eorum ita vestiti sint, non scio, vel an repraesentati sint eorum animi; hoc solum, cum repraesentarem iis postea talem hominem, in tali vestitu, dicebant quod noverit eos vel nos.


1. In the Manuscript wid deletum sed linea pingui restitutum fuisse nobis videtur a

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