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《灵界经历》 第1457节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1457

1457. But it should be noted that wherever they may be in the universe, they still work in this way, as inner sensation. Neither place nor distance makes any difference. The driving force is a striving, and that effort pours into all who are mediums of those sensations. But because the inner sensation of the inhabitants of our earth only works downwards and mingles with earthly and bodily elements, and does not separate from them so as to be able to be lifted upwards and operate apart from them, therefore those spirits cannot stay here. This is the reason for their wandering through the universe, and they are not allowed to work as though present, except with those who are going to speak with spirits and can therefore keep aloof from the working of the mental imagery of the bodily senses.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1457

1457. But it is to be observed that wherever they are in the Universe, they still operate in the same manner, like internal sensation. Neither place nor distance is of any account. They are an acting and striving force, and such effort diffuses itself into all the subjects of these sensations. But because the internal sense of the inhabitants of this earth acts only downwards, and intermingles itself with earthly and corporeal things, not being separated from them so that it can be raised upwards, or operate abstractedly, the spirits of Mercury cannot stay here. This is the reason of their wandering through the Universe. They are not allowed to operate as if they were present, except upon those who are about to speak with spirits, and who can thus be kept away from the operation of the sensual ideas of the body.

Experientiae Spirituales 1457 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1457. Sed observandum est, quod ubicunque sint in universo, usque operentur ita, sicut sensus internus, nihil facit locus, nec distantia, vis agens est conans talis diffundit se in omnia subjecta talium 1

sensuum, sed quia sensus internus incolarum hujus telluris, modo deorsum agit, seque immiscet terrenis et corporeis 2

, nec separatur ab iis, ut elevari queat sursum, aut abstracte operari, ideo non possunt hic morari: est itaque ambulatio eorum per universum; nec licet eis sicut praesentes operari, nisi in eos, qui cum spiritibus loquuturi sint, et sic qui abesse possunt ab operatione idearum sensualium corporis.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition talia

2. The Manuscript has corporis

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