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《灵界经历》 第1458节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1458

1458. They, too, acknowledge the Lord, as they have indeed professed, but only due to the fact that they are higher knowledge. For they do not go any deeper with their thinking before they have arrived at a spiritual state. But these spirits, even though they abound in such knowledge, can nevertheless be led to the faith with greater difficulty than others, since they take no pleasure in judgment or the ability to judge. This does, as they are now saying, indeed upset them, and they feel troubled when they even think about it. 1748, 16 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1458

1458. They indeed acknowledge the Lord as they also confessed, but only from the fact that they are cognitions, for in their thinking they will not enter more interiorly until they reach a spiritual state. But although they abound in cognitions, nevertheless they can be brought to the faith with greater difficulty than others, for they dislike the exercise of judgment, or the faculty of judging; they are perturbed thereby, as they now say, and they perceive annoyance when they even think about it. 1748, Mar. 16.

Experientiae Spirituales 1458 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1458. Dominum etiam agnoscunt, quod quoque fassi sunt, sed modo 1

ex eo quod cognitiones sunt, nam cogitando non intimius eunt, antequam in statum spiritalem perveniunt; at ii, tametsi cognitionibus abundant, usque tamen ad fidem difficilius reduci possunt, quam alii, nam judicio seu facultate judicandi non delectantur; sic etenim, ut nunc dicunt, perturbantur; et modo dum cogitant id, molestiam percipiunt. 1748, 16 Martius.


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