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《灵界经历》 第1459节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1459

1459. Some from among the spirits of Mercury were coming here, sent by others to find out what was going on. One of the spirits of our earth said to them that they should tell their people, but that they should tell them nothing but the truth, and not, in their usual way, counter those asking with just the opposite. Otherwise they would be punished.

But the troop that had sent them, which was far away, replied that if they were upbraided on that account, then they should all be blamed equally, for they cannot act otherwise. On their earth they are obliged to answer inquirers in that way, because they do not need to know what they are trying to find out, certainly not earthly and bodily matters. And they do not do this with any intention to deceive them, but because it is innate in them. Nor do they lie, but only counter their ideas with opposites, so that they will stop. It would be another matter if they did this with the intention to deceive, which they now say they detest.

By this reply, the spirit was satisfied. 1748, 16 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1459

1459. Some of the spirits from the planet Mercury came hither, having been sent by others that they might learn what was going on here. One of the spirits of our earth said to them that they should tell their companions to say nothing but what was true, and thus not to suggest the opposite by their questions, as was their custom; and that otherwise they would be punished. But the troop from which those spirits had been sent, which was at a distance, replied that if they were blamed on that account they would all be blamed, for they were unable to do otherwise, since they must thus answer those on their earth who inquired. This was because they should not know the things they desire to know, still less those which are earthly and corporeal, thus they do this with no intention of deceiving them. Because this is so in their intention, they do not lie, but only present things opposed to their ideas, so that they may desist. It would be different if they did so for the purpose of deceiving, which they now say is abhorrent to them. With this reply the spirit was content.

Experientiae Spirituales 1459 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1459. Aliqui ex spiritibus telluris Mercurii hic veniebant missi ab aliis ut audirent, quid hic ageretur, quibus unus spirituum nostrae telluris dixit, quod id dicerent suis, quod non aliter dicerent, quam verum, et sic non ut solent, interrogantibus opposita objicerent, et quod alioquin punirentur, sed respondebat cohors, quae remota 1

erat, a qua missi sunt, quod si plecterentur propterea, quod sic omnes pleeterentur, nam aliter facere nequeunt, quaerentibus enim in sua tellure ita respondere debent, quia non scire debent, quae cupiunt scire, minus quae terrestria et corporea sunt, nec animo eos fallendi id faciunt, sed quia ita iis inest, nec mentiuntur, sed modo objiciunt ideis eorum opposita ut sic desistant-aliter 2

foret, si animo fallendi ita facerent, quod dicunt nunc, se abhorrere; responso hoc quievit spiritus. 1748, 16 Martius.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has qui remotus

2. The Manuscript has desistant, aliter

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