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《灵界经历》 第1460节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1460

1460. A sign of the future regarding mankind's inward and very inward doctrine

First it was portrayed in sleep that I was imprisoned, and escaped from the prison, then awoke. Pursuing spirits were chasing someone like me. I did not see or sense that it was I, but they were crying that they are now catching him, now not catching him, for he was in flight, and others were looking on to see whether they were catching up with him.

Because they thought it was I, and yet I was awake and did not realize it, it is apparent that they were asleep, and kept on sleeping. They finally caught up with him and cried out that he was caught; and then that spirit came to me.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1460


It was first represented in my sleep that I had been imprisoned and had escaped from prison. Then I awakened. Persecuting spirits were following someone, as if it were I; I neither saw nor perceived that it was I. But they were shouting that now they have him, now they have not. He was in flight and others, thinking it was I, were watching as to whether they should follow him. When I became awake and did not perceive this representation, it appeared that it was they who were asleep and remained so. At last they overtook him and shouted that he was caught. Then that spirit came to me.

Experientiae Spirituales 1460 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1460. Significatio venturi de interiori ac intimiori hominis doctrina

Repraesentatum primum in somno, quod eram incarceratus, et quod evaserim ex carcere, sic evigilatus [ego], persequebantur aliquem sicut me, spiritus persecutores, non videbam nec percipiebam, quod ego essem {a}, sed clamabant, quod nunc illum capiant, nunc non capiant, in fuga enim erat, et spectabant alii, annon eum consequerentur; quia putabant me esse, cum ego vigil essem, et id non percipiebam, apparet, quod ii essent in somno, quem continuarent; tandem assequuti sunt eum, et clamabant, quod captus esset; tunc spiritus iste venit ad me.

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