1465. A sign of the future
For several weeks, even a month or more, I have been in danger in regard to my Tongue. It arises from those who turn their back on very inward qualities, both spiritual and heavenly, for reasons spoken of previously [1360-1361]. This leads to the conclusion that those who trust in their own wisdom will oppose and fight against those qualities - for those who cause this hazard are of that character. 1748, 17 March.
For some weeks, indeed for a month and more, my tongue has been in danger, arising from those who are averse to more interior things both spiritual and celestial, owing to causes spoken of above [nos. 1360-1361 ]. It can hence be concluded whether those who cause this are such as trust in themselves and their own wisdom, and who will be averse to and oppose [more interior things]. 1748, Mar. 17.
1465. Significatio venturi
Per aliquot septimanas, imo mensem, et plus, in periculo fui de Lingua, oriundo ex iis, qui intimiora tam spiritualia quam coelestia aversantur, ex causis de quibus prius [1360-1361], inde concludi potest-nam 1
ii qui id efficiunt, sunt tales-quod 2
ii qui sibi suaeque sapientiae fidunt, aversaturi sint, seu repugnaturi. 1748, 17 Martius.
1. The Manuscript has potest, nam
2. The Manuscript has tales, quod