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《灵界经历》 第147节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 147

147. A conversation with Jews about eternal life. They expect it to be full of joy, at first like sleep, then the very happiest of all states. When asked whether they wanted to share life with their fellows, or be by themselves, they said, In a large society together with their leaders. Asked whether they wanted to live with the others as they [really] are inwardly, they said they did not know what the inner person is. But then it was told that in the other life they would live with their companions as they are inwardly, and thus (since they well know each other's inward character and also know that of their leaders) that they would live in disharmony, hatred and unhappiness, they finally revealed that they were awaiting the Messiah, Who would unite them [cf. 51a]. See Jews. 1[Jews; Inward; Society; Lord]


1. See Experiences Spirituales, Vol I, p. xxxi, locus 4.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 147


A discourse with some Jews concerning eternal life, that they expect a life full of joy, first as in sleep, and then the utmost happiness above all others. When asked whether they wanted to live with their companions, or to be by themselves, they said, in a great society with its leaders. Asked whether they wished to live in society with others who are in accord with their interiors, they said they did not know what the internal man is. But when it was said that in the other life they lived with their companions according to their interiors, and that since each one of them was interiorly of a character such as they knew, and that their leaders, as they also knew, were of such a character, they would then live in disharmony, hatred, and unhappiness, they finally confessed that they were awaiting a Messiah who would unite them. (Dominus, Interiora, Fudaei, Societas.) 1


1. This is evidently the passage referred to in WE 2227, written at the end of February or the beginning of March 1746: "Here, if it is pleasing to God Messiah, may be inserted a conversation I had with Jews, with whom I spoke yesterday, and which is described on a separate sheet of paper."

Experientiae Spirituales 147 (original Latin 1748-1764)

147. 1

Sermo cum Judaeis de vita aeterna, quod exspectent eam gaudio plenam, primum somno similem, dein felicissimam prae omnibus: cum interrogati, num vitam cum sociis habere vellent, an solitarii esse, dicebant in magna societate cum ducibus suis; 2

interrogati num vivere vellent cum aliis secundum interiora, dixerunt nescire, quid internus homo; at cum diceretur, quod viverent in altera vita cum sociis secundum interiora, et cum quisque eorum talis sit interius, sicut norunt-et 3

quod {a} duces eorum tales sint, sicut etiam norunt-quod 4

sic in disharmonia, odio et infelicitate, tandem 5

confessi, quod exspectarent Messiam, Qui eos uniret, n. 147. [Judaei]

Interrogati Judaei num in altera vita vivere vellent in societate cum suis secundum interiora, n. 147, vide Judaei. [Interiora = Societas]

Confessio Judaeorum, quod exspectarent Messiam Qui eos uniret, n. 147, vide Judaei. [Dominus]


1. huc refertur fortasse in [51a]; vide in praefatione hujus voluminis sub capite 'The missing numbers,' locum 4

2. interpunctum abscissum in the Manuscript

3. The Manuscript has norunt, et

4. The Manuscript has norunt, quod

5. The Manuscript has infelicitate: tandem

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