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《灵界经历》 第148节

(一滴水译本 2020--)






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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 148

148. The bad things that happen to a person are all and each one from evil spirits, even if not deliberately, because it is their nature [to inflict harm]. [Bad (Evil); Spirit]

148. 1/2. Evil spirits inspire feelings together with conviction, especially [in people] who trust in themselves and ascribe everything to their own judgment; for these credit themselves for everything and think themselves most wise, when yet their wisdom is insanity. For wisdom should be judged by the end [in view], but these are guiding themselves toward an end which is hell. See also Knowledge, Philosophy, Learned, Preach. [Wisdom; Conviction; End; Hell]

Sometimes those who think themselves the wisest are the most insane. See Wisdom. [Insanity]

148. 1:3. Evil spirits believe especially that they are the holy spirit and that the Lord can do nothing without them. But they were asked from whom they go forth, whether it was not from some god of the heathens, baal or some other. [Holy; Spirit; Gods]

[This third section of threshold materials consists of three annotations found in front of the Bible Index of Isaiah and Jeremiah and apparently belonging to Spiritual Experiences.]

[148 1:4.]

The speech of the ancient Church was like an earthly paradise from which they discerned the heavenly one. The speech of the Prophets is like this, for by what one reads there, spiritual and heavenly matters are to be understood. But in the course of time, that heavenly paradise was changed into a merely worldly and earthly one. At the coming of God the Messiah, the gate from the earthly paradise to the heavenly one was opened; and at His Coming into glory, it is to be opened again.

[1747] 1

[148 1:5.]

For one who is being regenerated, matters of understanding come first; for one who has been regenerated, matters of the will come first. A person is formed by the world through ambitions, and the resulting education, but is [then] formed anew through the understanding, so that the will may be reformed. This takes place by means of matters of understanding and, at the same time, things heavenly entering into them, bringing Charity, and thus a [new] character.

[148 1:6.]

1747, the 7th day of August (old calendar): a change of state in me, [introducing me] into the heavenly Kingdom, in figure. 2


1. The year 1747 is deleted in the manuscript.

2. In this passage the translator takes "in Imagine" to refer to Swedenborg's projected image in that Kingdom as a man, while actually still living in the world.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 148


Each and every one of the evils that happen to man are from evil spirits, even though not premeditated, and this because such is their nature. (Malum, Spiritus.)

148 1/2. Evil spirits, especially those who trust in themselves and attribute everything to their own prudence, inspire affections together with persuasion; for there is nothing that they do not arrogate to themselves, thinking themselves to be the wisest of men. Their wisdom, however, is insanity, and they themselves are utterly insane, because wisdom is known from its end, and they lead themselves to an end which is hell.

(Finis, Infernum, Insania, Persuasio, Sapientia.)

148 1/3. Evil spirits especially wish to be the Holy Spirit, and think that without them God Messiah can do nothing. But it was asked, From whom do [such holy spirits] proceed? Was it not from some god of the gentiles? From Baal? Or some other god? (Dii, Sanctum, Spiritus).

[The following statements are found at the beginning of Codex 6, the first two at the bottom of the inside of the cover, and the third at the top of the page opposite. They are inserted here for the reasons given in the Special Preface.] 1

The speech of the Ancient Church was like an earthly paradise from which they perceived the heavenly. The speech of the Prophets was similar, for by means of the things that are read there spiritual and heavenly things are to be understood. But in process of time this heavenly paradise was changed into what was merely worldly and earthly. By the Advent of God Messiah the gate from the earthly paradise to the heavenly was opened, and at His Advent into glory, that gate is again to be opened. 2

In one who is to be regenerated intellectual things precede; in one who is regenerated voluntary things precede. Man is formed from the world by means of cupidities, and [he enters] into intellectual things therefrom; but he is reformed by means of intellectual things, so that the will may be reformed. This is effected by means of intellectual things, and at the same time by means of heavenly things which enter intellectual things. Hence comes charity, and hence a man's disposition. 1747, 7th August, old style: A change of state in me, into the heavenly kingdom, in an image.


1. For a transcript of the Latin, see at the end of this volume, p. 418. Codex 6 (Index Biblicus, vol. 1), clearly showing the position of these statements, has been reproduced in vol. IV of the Phototype Edition of Swedenborg's MSS. at p. 356. They are also reproduced less perfectly at p. 1164 of vol. X of the Photolithographed Edition.

2. Crossed off: "1747".

Experientiae Spirituales 148 (original Latin 1748-1764)

148. Quod mala, quae accidunt homini, omnia et singula a malis spiritibus, tametsi non praemeditato, quia natura eorum talis, n. 148. [Malum = Spiritus]

148a. Quod spiritus mali inspirent affectiones cum persuasione, cumprimis qui sibi fidunt, et suae prudentiae tribuunt omnia; nam sibi nihil non arrogant, et se sapientissimos putant, cum tamen sapientia eorum sit insania, nam sapientia ex fine cognoscitur, et ii se ad finem ducunt, qui est infernum, n. 148a. Vide etiam scientia, Philosophia, doctus, praedicare. [Sapientia]

Quod spiritus mali inspirent affectiones una cum persuasione, cumprimis qui sibi fidunt, et suae prudentiae tribuunt omnia, n. 148a. vide Sapientia. [Persuasio]

Quod sapientia ex fine cognoscatur, et quod ii qui sibi arrogant omnia, et se sapientissimos putant, sint insanissimi, qui se ad finem ducunt, qui est infernum, n. 148a. [Finis]

Quod de sapientia judicandum ex fine, et qui sibi arrogant omnia, et se sapientissimos putant, insanissimi 1

, seque ad finem ducant, qui est infernum, n. 148a. [Infernum]

Qui se sapientissimos putant, quandoque sint insanissimi, n. 148a, vide Sapientia. [Insania]

148b. Quod spiritus mali imprimis velint, quod spiritus sanctus sint 1, et quod Dominus absque iis nihil agere possit, n. 148b: sed quaesitum a quonam procedant, annon ex quodam gentilium deo, baale aut alio, ib. [Sanctum]

Putant imprimis mali spiritus, quod spiritus sanctus sint, et quod Dominus absque iis nihil agere possit, n. 148b. [Spiritus]

Mali spiritus volunt quod spiritus sanctus sint, sed quaesitum a quibus procedunt, nonne a quodam gentilium deo, baale, aut alio, n. 148b. [Dii]

[VOLUMINIS PRIMI, liminarium sectio tertia, continens tres annotationes apparentes in fronte Indicis Biblici Esajae et Jeremiae, et evidenter pertinentes ad Experientias Spirituales] 2

148c. Loquela antiquae Ecclesiae erat sicut paradisus terrestris, e quo percipiebant coelestem; similis loquela est Prophetarum, nam per ea quae ibi leguntur, spiritualia et coelestia intelligenda sunt: sed coelestis is paradisus tempore in mere mundanum et terrestrem mutatus est; adventu Dei Messiae porta a paradiso terrestri ad coelestem aperta est; et ad Adventum Ipsius in gloriam, iterum aperienda.

148d. In regenerando praecedunt intellectualia, in regenerato praecedunt voluntaria. Homo formatur a mundo per cupiditates, et inde intellectualia, reformatur autem per intellectualia, ut reformetur voluntas, quod fit per intellectualia, et simul per coelestia, quae intrant intellectualia, inde Charitas, ac inde indoles.

148e. 1747, d. 7 Aug. st. vet.: mutatio status in me, in coeleste Regnum, in imagine. [Hic incipit textus hujus operis materiae prius a Dr. J.F.I. Tafel sub titulo Diarium Spirituale excusae.] 3


1. The Manuscript has in insanissimi ubi in nobis delendum esse videtur

2. The Manuscript has sit

3. vide praefationem hujus voluminis sub capite "Three annotations"

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