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《灵界经历》 第1490节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1490

1490. People like this are not satisfied just to destroy the body, except together with torment, which they enjoy. But this is not enough without thinking [of destroying their victims] inwardly, going further and by various deceptions filthily trying to pervert their moral life, even their spiritual life. Thus whatever goodness they notice in their civil, moral, even spiritual life, they at once pervert in short order, thus jeopardizing their happiness. So they attempt to destroy the eternal happiness of their enemy, declaring that they enjoy this immensely. The more deeply they are able to penetrate, and then pervert, the harder they try, using all different kinds of tricks. For such people are also very sharp-sighted, because they think a great deal, mulling over their hatreds. It was said that they are in the thousands.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1490

1490. Such are not content simply to destroy the body, unless this be by torture with which they are delighted. But since they inwardly think that this is not sufficient they go further, and basely desire by various deceits to pervert his moral and also his spiritual life. Thus they immediately and promptly pervert whatever good they observe in his civil, moral, and even spiritual life, that his happiness may be endangered. In this way do they endeavor to destroy the eternal happiness of their enemy, by which, as they say, they are delighted in the highest degree. The more interiorly they can penetrate and so pervert, the more do they desire to do so. They do this by various deceits, for they are also keen-sighted, because they think many things and turn over hatreds in their mind. It was said that there are thousands of such.

Experientiae Spirituales 1490 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1490. Tales non contenti sunt, perdere corpus simpliciter, nisi cum cruciatu, quo delectantur 1

, sed hoc non satis, quin cogitant intus, ulterius vadunt, et diversis dolis ejus vitam moralem, imo spiritualem pervertere foede cupiunt, ita quicquid animadvertunt bonum in vita ejus civili, morali, imo spirituali, illico et prompte pervertunt, ut sic ejus 2

felicitas in discrimen agatur; sic felicitatem hostis aeternam destruere conantur, quo delectari se summopere ajunt; quo interius possunt intrare, et sic pervertere, eo magis cupiunt, et hoc diversis dolis, nam quoque tales perspicaces sunt, quia multa cogitant, et odia volvunt, dictum quod talium sint millia.


1. The Manuscript has delectantantur

2. The Manuscript has eorum

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