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《灵界经历》 第1491节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1491

1491. But these people at first sight appear such that one would not suspect them of such qualities, for a society of these spirits works gently, just as good spirits do. They even resemble angels in their yielding manner, and I was surprised that they were that kind of spirits, when I was told this. But it was said that while they are in their group, they are compelled to work in concert, and care is taken that one does not harm the other in any way, or say, much less do, anything insulting. As soon as this happens, the one then attacks the other, but inwardly.

This was portrayed to me by a change of their yielding manner into subtle clashes, so to speak, with the result that they disperse, and are brought into different societies. This goes on until there is nowhere they are able to remain, and their hatreds, or loves of vengeance, break out, and are thus manifested before spirits and angels. Because they had imitated heavenly beings in bodily life, they are allowed even in the other life to imitate the heavenly-in fact, they even appear high overhead, in front, where the heavenly are. (Their location or height means nothing at all, as previously pointed out [639].)

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1491

1491. No one could suspect them of these things on their first appearance, for a society of such spirits acts as softly as good spirits, indeed they simulate the angels in their fluidity, and I was surprised upon being told that they were of such a character. But it was said that when they are in society they are bound to act together, and care is taken lest one should harm another in any way, or say and still less do anything injurious to another; as soon as this happens then one acts against the other. But what they are interiorly was represented to me by a change of their fluidity into subtle collisions, as it were, and in this way they are dispersed and sent into other societies, until at length they can remain nowhere, and their hatreds and revengeful loves burst forth and are thus made manifest before spirits and angels. Because they had simulated the celestial in their bodily life, they are also permitted to simulate them in the other life, yea, they even appear on high above the head towards the front, where are the celestial. (Their place or height effects nothing, as you may see observed previously) [n. 636.

Experientiae Spirituales 1491 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1491. Illi tales sunt prima apparentia, ut non suspicari de iis talia quis possit, societas talium agit namque molliter, sicut spiritus boni, imo angelos simulant, fluiditate, ac miratus sum quod tales essent, cum id mihi diceretur, sed dictum, quod dum in societate sunt, simul agere tenentur, caveturque ne unus alterum aliquo modo laedat, aut alicui injuriam dicat, minus faciat, ut primum hoc fit, tunc unus contra alium, sed interius, sunt 1

, quod repraesentatum mihi fuit, per fluiditatis eorum mutationem in subtiles quasi collisiones, sicque dissipantur, et in alias societates mittuntur, usque dum nullibi permanere possint, et odia seu amores vindictae erumpunt, sic manifestantur coram spiritibus et angelis; quia coelestes in vita corporis simularunt, etiam in altera vita coelestes simulare permittitur, imo etiam apparent alte supra caput antrorsum, ubi coelestes, (locus eorum seu altitudo nihil facit, ut prius observatum videas [639]).


1. The Manuscript has interius sunt

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