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《灵界经历》 第1493节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1493

1493. As they are being let down through that black hole, they are struck with a kind of terror or (fasa), 1such as when one is in very dark diggings, and panics. At the same time as that horror strikes them, they are held in their passion for revenge, and the longer that passion lasts and increases, the deeper they are let down - even to the other side of the earth, which they seem to be passing through; but this happens in a variety of ways.

For through what was symbolically portrayed it is quite clear to spirits, as well as to myself, whether they are holding in their hatreds, and thus keeping them from breaking out, or whether they are erupting. If their hatreds are not breaking out, they are turned about hither and thither [until they do]; 2so this varies according to the different kinds of hatred, and other such circumstances. They are struck with a horror, as already mentioned, such as one experiences in passageways and pitch-black caverns in mountains, and which is now intensified, now diminished.


1. Swedish for "horror."

2. See index at Vindicta.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1493

1493. While they are being let down through this darksome hole, they are at the same time struck with a kind of terror or horror 1as when one is in very dark pits, and is afraid. Such a horror is excited. During this time they are held in the cupidity of revenge, and so long as the cupidity lasts, and as it increases, so much the deeper are they let down, indeed almost to the other side of the earth to which they seem, as it were, to pass. This takes place with variety, for it is quite evidently perceived, in a representative way, by spirits as by myself, whether they hold their hatreds within so that they restrain them from breaking forth, or whether they break forth. If they do not break forth, the spirits are turned hither and thither [until they do]. This is the reason that these things are done according to the diversity of their hatred, and similar things. A horror is excited, as was said, like that felt in pits and in dark caverns of mountains, which horror is also intensified and diminished.


1. The MS. has fasa, a Swedish word meaning "horror".

Experientiae Spirituales 1493 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1493. Dum per foramen hoc tenebrosum demittuntur, simul iis species 1

terroris incutitur, seu (fasa {a}) sicut dum quis in tenebroisissimis scrobibus est, et horret, talis incutitur, et simul tenentur in vindictae cupidine, et quousque durat cupido, et augetur, altius demittuntur, imo fere ad alteram telluris, quam videntur quasi transire, partem; et hoc cum varietate; perciputur enim satis manifeste, spiritibus, sicut mihi, repreaesentative num odia sua intus teneant, sic ut ea coerceant, ne erumpant, aut num erumpant, si non erumpunt, tunc huc illuc versantur, quare hoc se habet secundum odii diversitatem, ac similia; horror, ut dictum, quasi in scrobibus et artis cavernis montium, incutitur, qui quoque intenditur, et remittitur.


1. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has specie

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