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《灵界经历》 第1492节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1492

1492. When they have finally been exposed and permitted to act upon their intense hatreds, and it therefore now appears not only that they are the hating kind, but also what kinds their hatreds are - for they are let into groups of spirits like themselves, who target their hatreds-then it comes to light whether they harbor more, or less hatred, and also whether it was with reluctance that they are compelled to say and do such things, or from a consenting mind. This is seen quite clearly by those present.

1492. 1/2. Then, befitting the nature and degree of hatred panting for revenge, they are punished. The first punishment is usually that they are let down below into the lowest parts of the earth, seemingly deep down through a dark hole into the earth, almost to its center, even farther, depending on the degree of hatred. For some take such pleasure in vengeance, and in such dreadful acts of vengeance-as you may see spoken of earlier [1488-1490]-that they regard them as the very delights of their life. Therefore, [such burning hatreds] cannot easily be quenched. But in the other life the kinds of punishments answering to each and every crime are never lacking.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1492

1492. When at length they have been detected, and they are permitted to exercise their deadly hatreds, it becomes evident not only what they are like, but also what is the nature of their hatreds. For they are sent into companies of similar spirits who direct their hatreds, and it thence appears whether their hatred is greater or less from their animus resisting or consenting, when they are compelled to say or do such things. This is quite clearly perceived by those present.

1492 1/2. They are afterwards punished according to the quality and degree of their hatred, breathing forth revenge. The first punishment usually is that they are let downwards into the lower regions of the earth. It appears as though through a darksome hole they were let down into the earth to a great depth, thus as if to its center and even beyond, according to the degree of the hatred. For some of them are so delighted with revenge of a dreadful nature - as you may see above [nos. 1488-1490 - that they place therein the delights of their life which cannot easily be extinguished. But in the other life there are never lacking the kinds of punishments answering to every single crime.

Experientiae Spirituales 1492 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1492. Cum tandem detecti sunt, et iis permissum sua internecina odia, exercere, et sic appareat, non solum quod tales sint, sed etiam qualia odia sint nam immittuntur similium consortiis, qui intendunt eorum odia, inde aparet, num plus aut minus sit, et quidem [num] ex renisu, quod cogantur talia dicere ac agere, vel ex consentiente animo, quod coram praesentibus satis manifeste percipitur.

1492a. Secundum qualitatem et gradum odii, vindictam spirantis, dein puniuntur; punitio prima solet esse, quod demittantur deorsum in infima terrae, apparet sicut in terram profunde per foramen tenebrosum, sic quasi ad centrum ejus, imo ulterius, secundum gradum odii; nam quidam ita delectantur vindicta, et tam dira, ut prius videas [1488-1490], ut eorum vitae delitiae in iis positae sint, ita non facile exstingui possunt, sed in altera vita nusquam desunt poenarum genera unicuique sceleri respondentia.

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