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《灵界经历》 第1515节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1515

1515. Moreover, they also said that a different kind of spirits came to them as well, in troops, but they only wanted to find out how things were, and nothing more. They even say these spirits are not insane, but only want to know things, and beyond that, do not try to put their deeper knowledge to any use. So they are surprised that there are such spirits. These spirits are those from the planet Mercury, previously called inward sensation [1415-1435, 1441-1459]. However, the spirits of Saturn do not reprove them.

They also told that the inhabitants of that planet are small, and [as described] by someone who had been allowed to see them, hardly taller than my thighs; yet they are stout. 1


1. This unnumbered paragraph is scored by heavy vertical lines, and appears to be rewritten below as number 1519.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1515

1515. Moreover, they said that another genus of spirits also comes to them in troops, but they only want to know how things are with them, and nothing more. These, they say, are not indeed insane, but that they want only to know, and beyond that they have no wish to make any use of their cognitions, wherefore they wondered that there are such spirits. These spirits are from the planet Mercury, who as before said [n. 1 1415 ] seq.] relate to interior sense. Still they do not rebuke 1them. They related, moreover, that the inhabitants of that planet are short, and it was said by one who was permitted to see them, that they are scarcely the height of my loins; yet they are stout.


1. Crossed out: "but admit".

Experientiae Spirituales 1515 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1515. Praeterea etiam dixerunt, quod aliud genus spirituum etiam turmatim ad eos veniant, qui tamen modo scire volunt, quomodo res se habent, et nihil praeterea, eos dicunt quidem non insanire, sed quod modo scire velint, ac praeterea nullum usum ex cognitionibus suis facere volunt, quare mirantur quod tales sint; suntque ii, qui sensus interior prius dicti a Mercurii tellure [1415-1435, 1441-1459]; eos usque non vituperant.

Narrarunt praeterea, quod parvi sint, nempe incolae istius telluris, et a quodam, cui datum erat eos videre, vix ultra lumbos meos altitudine sunt, usque corpulenti. 1



1. haec paragraphus non numerata lineis pinguioribus transversis deleta et inferius ut paragraphus 1519 rescripta esse videtur

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